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Chapter Nine---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color (I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 4 Nov, 2019

You let go immediately and watched as the guard crumpled to the ground while screaming in agony. He clawed restlessly at the puncture and tried to rip the syringe from his skin, but the liquid was already circulating his body. His skin seemed to be boiling, his eyes rolling back into his head as he already passed out from the pain. His limbs twitched every few seconds in a spasm until he stopped moving entirely.

Eyeless threw the body of the doctor away simply as if it was only a sack of vegetables before turning to you. Once more, chills tingled their way down your spine to recreate the eerie fear of the grey and eyeless man. He seemed to stare at you in a cold way that sent you into a fresh wave of emotions that were hard to understand.

You felt mixed emotions about the man in black. He was terrifying and scared you, yet he seemed to protect and even possible, provide comfort for you. He took the guards and killed them when they were going for you. He killed the doctor and the assistant. Was it just because you carried the key, or some other, animalistic instinct?

"Prepare yourself, snowflake," Eyeless laughed in a deep maniac ramble, "Because we are leaving soon, pet."

You looked on in fear as he grabbed the doctor's corpse, turned, and threw it to the open door, where one single bystander stood. Operator.

He stared nonchalantly at both you and Eyeless as if he was slightly entertained, and even, intrigued by the actions of the unseeing man. One thing troubled your mind.

How had Eyeless perfectly found and thrown the corpse into the correct direction with perfect precision?

Three men had stormed the cell, taking away the dead body of their now-lifeless comrade. It has been around four minutes, and you had an uneasy feeling about something. As if you were forgetting something important about the day that would lead to a drastic end.

It felt like death was near.

Eyeless was sitting on the floor, fumbling with a shoe aimlessly as if bored. You as per usual were chained against the wall, unable to move for sleep or any other activity. Wiggling your fingers, you jangled the chain on your wrist in boredom.

Eyeless dropped the shoe and stared at the door, causing you to freeze. Then it happened fast. Seventeen men rushed in, throwing the door forcefully against the wall with a huge BANG that echoed excessively around your skull. Each carried a large rifle, and half of them aimed their weapons at Eyeless. The rest proceeded to swarm your cowering form and unchain you, then drag you out of the room.

They brought you down the unfamiliar hallway that you'd only been down a few times before, but only for specific reasons. It dawned on you. It's your birthday, the most crucial day o every torture session. They chained your wrists together in a set of shackled cuffs, then wrapped the chain between the two cuffs before pulling the other end to raise you up by your arms. 

You cried out and tried to kick them away but they continued until you were hanging with your feet a good twelve inches off the ground. You knew what was coming next. They attached the two cords around your limbs and stuck the metal acupuncture needles into your joints.

They backed up and laughed before leaving and shutting the metal door loudly. The room was only illuminated by the light from the large one-way mirror on the wall, showing blood and vomit stains on the floor and walls from previous sessions.

Something buzzed, and the electricity traveled down the cords and against your skin in an agonizing burning sensation. The needles helped to channel the current through you, causing more pain. You screamed.

And screamed

And screamed

And screamed

For hours. The large timer on the wall proved the sixteen hours of torture.

Only one more to go, you thought, sweat traveling down your body. Just one more.

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now