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Chapter Twenty-Five---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color (I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 27 Apr, 2020

You took a deep breath and looked around at the grey walls that surrounded you, along with the sounds of metal clanging, far away footsteps, screams, yells, quiet talking. Everything echoed around you because of the flat stone walls. The lights beamed ahead and on the ceiling of the hallway.

Eyeless looked around and made sure no one was near while Liu finished off the guard that had been in the workout room. Red-Eyes chuckled darkly before turning to you.

"Mind if I catch a ride on you?"

You shrugged, not entirely understanding and he grabbed your arm, spreading his palm over the scars before they started to oddly glow. You raised an eyebrow as you watched the scars start to brighten light white from the area that Red-Eyes touched and further, fading slowly as it reached your elbow. Then, Red-Eyes vanished, but your arm continued to glow.

You looked up at Eyeless and Liu, who looked shocked before shaking their heads and leading the way from the workout room to a while down the hall. The haunting echo of your footsteps followed the three of you as you walked, your bare feet slightly louder than theirs were.

"Alright, its two cells from there, Snowflake, you and BEN go to the room that's four doors down and to the left, okay?"

You nodded and did as told, hoping that there would be no guards in there.

Your arm was heavier than normal considering Red-Eyes was...in it? Who knew, you thought, shaking your head as you walked away from the two other males who stood in the hall. Walking, you looked at the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door slowly and peeking in.

There was nobody there, but it was an office, will two bookshelves filled to the brim with file holders and a desk in the middle that had a lamp that was glowing yellow. You walked in, closed the door, and turned the lock until you hear a click. Looking around, you saw one single camera, and walked directly under it before tapping your arm. After a slight tingling sensation and a bit of illumination, Red-Eyes appeared with a wink before turning to the camera, and having it spark.

"Alrighty, what are we looking for?"

You shrugged, "Something with subject 0001 (l/n)."

Red-Eyes nodded and started to skim through the lists of letters on the file holding boxes before clicking his tongue, signaling you to come look. He pulled the box from the shelf and set it on the desk before pulling out a folder.

"This one?"

You looked over, then nodded. This folder was older than all the other ones near it, slightly torn with bent corners and folded edges. Your hands shook as you opened it and sat the familiar dull orange paper. The same one the man had been holding while taking you from the orphanage.

"You alright?"

You nodded slowly before picking it up and reading the faded writing.

(Y/n) (l/n) Age:8 Birthday: (B/d)
(H/c) (E/c) (S/c)
Subject 0001 Project:E-/dd/

The rest of the text was blurred off from age, but you had read enough to know what you needed. You knew your name, even your birthday, and where you were from. That was all you'd wanted from the place. You looked up from the page and around at the walls that surrounded you. They brought back memories, some you'd never wanted to see again, others you were glad that happened. 

Eyeless threatening you, the men slamming you to the wall and to put you in chains. But also, Eyeless attacking the men who did the same to you.

"What are you thinking about?" Red-Eyes asked. You tilted your head to him and he elaborated, "You got all smiley, what's in your mind?"

You looked around before answering quietly, "Eyeless, once, the only day I was free from an injection. The Oporator was in our cell, along with a doctor. They...they did an exam on me before trying to give me 'medicine'. Eyeless stopped them. Of course...the operator got away."

Red-Eyes nodded slowly and looked around. "I'm not sure how long they will be, but I suggest we return to our entry room and wait for them there."

You nodded and he grabbed your arm before 'teleporting', as you wanted to call it, into your veins. There was one thing you noticed though, he had another file in his hands before he'd disappeared, a large red one.

You shrugged it off and snuck down the hall. Looking ahead, you spotted a group of men, the guards wearing their busty uniforms, all surrounding one prisoner.

Subject Stans.

You hid in a doorway before watching as they left, and decided to follow. You crept along, matching your footsteps to those of the many guards ahead, trying not to alert them as you crept along under the glow of the lights. Then, you recognized the door they opened next.

The electrocution room. You turned to scramble away but came face to face with him.

"I knew you'd return, little junkie," The operator growled.

Then everything went black.

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now