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Chapter Twenty-Six---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color (I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 28 Apr, 2020

Your eyes opened slowly to the dark, musty room, filled with stale air and shadowed darkness. Your vision was still blurry and the back of your head ached from some previous pressure. But soon you noticed the cold heavy weight on your extended arms and ankles.

You started to panic, shaking the chains quickly.

"No, no no no!"

You felt tears pricking the edges of your vision as you tugged the chains and looked around at the shades of gray that surrounded you. It was too familiar as if you had never been gone. Blood stained the walls and floor, the only exception from the monotone colors, left from Eyeless. But he wasn't there, the chain connected to the wall had an empty shackle at the end.

"Let me go!" You screamed, trying to pull away from the wall, standing in fear.

You still had your clothes at least, you weren't in a stupid gown.

Then, the door opened, and the men entered. You panicked further, struggling away from them but unable to escape as they held you down and stabbed the needle into your arm.

You screamed in pain as the fiery liquid entered your veins. It seemed they injected more than the normal dose as it almost boiled your skin and made your veins glow.

After a few moments, they released you and your head dropped down as pain consumed every atom and fiber in your body.

It had been around a week. Or, you thought so, although, now it seemed as though nothing had ever changed. What if Eyeless had never saved you? What if he had never existed in the first place? All the electrotherapy, it was just the same as before, no changes. And you stopped speaking once again, no voice for even a simple cry of pain during any sort of torture. 

Now, they'd bring you to Stans more often than not, and it made you scared. There was something about him that you did not understand, something similar yet fearsome.

"Get moving!" The guard yelled, shoving your sweaty body back into your cell.

They chained you up and you slumped down as they exited the room. A sigh escaped your mouth before you let your head slide back against the wall with a thump. Your arm started to burn. Looking at it, you saw the scars and veins glowing brightly, just like when Red-Eyes had exited and entered. Did this mean it was real? That you had only been recaptured and not hallucinating?

And then he appeared.

"Y/n!" Red-Eyes said, looking sleep-deprived and exhausted as he hugged you. "Jeez, these guys are ruthless! Don't worry, I finally got enough energy, so I'll go get the others, they escaped with Toby, and I'm sure he hasn't returned to him so I'll be back soon!"

You nodded slowly from the wall as he vanished into the camera. You sighed and waited, hopefully, he would be back soon.

"Subject Stans, engage operation RePro," The announcer ordered from behind the glass.

You looked forward at the man fearfully as he stood with a sigh and advanced on you.

"Well, darling," He said with a light voiced chuckle, "Sorry about this, but if I don't do this, I die."

You backed up as he came closer, trying to keep the distance between you two. Something was not right, especially since he just took off his belt. Before you could turn and run he had leaped on you and you both crashed to the ground, him grunting while you made no noise at all. But you struggled against his hold, trying your best to escape his grasp. He groaned in strain as he tugged your limbs and pushed them into your own body and sat against your waist, pinning your body to the ground and your face against the cold concrete.

Your breath was heavy as you tried any movement to escape but was unable to. And soon, your hoodie was gone, ripped through the center and thrown to the side. Your eyes widened in intense fear as he grabbed your pant line.

Then there was the bang.

Stans froze as he looked over to the metal door, still holding your almost naked body down on the cold floor. You hadn't even noticed your pants gone as you focused on the door when it was thrown open, slamming loudly against the wall next to it. 

Screaming came from the men behind the mirror, along with flushing noises and thumps. But you were focused on Eyeless, who looked enraged at the sight of Stans on top of you. He let loose a fearsome snarl and bared his teeth before pulling the syringe from his pocket and attacking, leaping like an animal from the door to Stans instantly and throwing him off of you.

Before chasing after the man on the floor, Eyeless pulled off his black jacket and handed it to you, helping you slip it over your arms.

"Stay right here, Snowflake," Eyeless whispered gently, landing a kiss on your forehead before attacking Stans once again to tear the man apart.

Liu was watching from the doorway, so you stood and stumbled over to him, feeling lightheaded. He caught you with a half-grin.

"You look like hell, Y/n."

You shoved your face into his chest annoyed, and he rumbled with a light chuckle before waiting for Eyeless again. After a few moments and once the screams were silenced, Liu released you and you felt another pair of arms around you. As soon as you saw the plain gray skin you turned and clutched his shirt in your hands, letting the tears you'd held back run free from your eyes.

"Shhh," Eyeless whispered, "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you anymore. Let's go home."

Guys I'm bored

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now