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Chapter Three---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color
(I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 4 Sep, 2019

After the interaction with subject Stans, you were taken back to your cell and forced against the wall once more as the group of men chained you into the cold and heavy shackles. You noticed a large shadow on the wall across from you but couldn't speak because one of the men was pulling out your 'meal'.

He grinned and signaled for one of the others and they grabbed your face, forcing your mouth open so he was able to stuff the nasty mush into your jaws before your mouth was shut forcefully and your nose was plugged, forcing you to swallow.

The men laughed and let go, but spite and anger rose in you from your discomfort like a tsunami and you lashed out once more, nails snagging the exposed face of an inexperienced guard and knee hitting just between the legs of the one who'd fed you.

A hand came into contact with your face with painful speed and black dots started to cloud your vision as the guards left, closing the door with a slam behind them and leaving you in the familiar and comforting darkness. You coughed and let the tears slide out and trail down your face. 

Something shifted loudly against the other wall and caused a loud clang of metal.

You looked over quickly in the dark room and were only able to make out a slumped form. But then the form started to laugh.

It was deep and vicious and seemed to cut through your ears to leave fear that shivered its way through your body.

"That was entertaining." The cackling stopped and was replaced by a voice with the same aspects.

You only stared, unspeaking as the strange man seemed to shift again, making a chain clatter about. After a few moments of shifting, you saw the man stand and start walking towards you with a chain attached to his foot and trailing behind him. It seemed to connect to the wall because barely a foot in front of you, he stopped. 

His face was that of the man from before, a shade of grey like that of everything around and with the deep black substance that seemed to be stuck on his face leading from the empty sockets that once contained eyes.

"I can't wait to have some fun with you." His voice seemed to drop a few pitches, making his words a clear message that he meant to somehow harm you. Even more than what you'd already experienced.

You cowered against the wall, your eyes full of terror as your body shook.

Once more, you were slammed roughly against the wall by a guard to feel the cold that seeped through the wall and past your thin clothing that clung to your skinny frame. Once the men had force-fed you and dealt with your daily attack, they left. Leaving you in darkness with the man who had been torturing you for months now. For weeks he'd poke at your humanity with his violent jibes and discussions of human organs. The terror that ran through your small frame from his deep and taunting words was almost as horrid as the 'tests' you'd go through every single day. But nothing was worse than that. In fact, you felt slightly at ease to know that now there was one other being with you.

The feeling of solitude for years on end was enough to drive you to the point to enjoy the terrifying company of the strange man in front of you.

"When I am free...your organs will be my first meal. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I'll only dissect you. Your heartbeat sounds so fast...so delectable...you smell delicious." The man said. He stared you down from his standing position in front of you with a large smirk on his face. Although...stare was the wrong term whereas he had no eyes. You had begun to call him Eyeless in your mind. Of course, you had not spoken a single word since the day that he had arrived and was put into your cell.

Your voice was the only thing you had to stand against him. You'd save it for the right time.

He continued to jeer at you with his horrors and fill you with enough fear that you wanted to pass out.

Just the daily routine, you thought to yourself.

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now