Chapter 66 - Escapes

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When the next morning came around, i could tell that neither of us had gotten any sleep at all, both for different reasons. I stepped out of the closet and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up after hearing him make his way downstairs. Of course i knew that i would have to also go downstairs to do....well whatever he wanted me to do.

I guess the correct term for what was happening to me could be labelled as 'Suffering in silence'. You always hear stories about domestic violence in the home, but never could you ever imagine it happening to yourself. I suppose it's my own fault really, for not getting help as soon as it all started happening instead of creating my own fantasy in which he would change for the better and he never meant to harm me...that he was just......angry.

I was surprised when i headed downstairs and noticed Nate sitting on a glass table in the kitchen already eating his breakfast without waiting for me to make it for him. There were dark circled under his eyes and i only wondered what i looked like, seeing as i still had no vision from my left eye at all. He looked up at me as i entered the room, staring at me for what felt like forever as i looked back at him. I began to wonder if he had any regret of what he did to me, but of course that was just my mind thinking whatever it wanted to think yet again when i knew what the truth was.

Though i was still very afraid to, i made my way over to the cupboards and began searching for something to eat. I didn't care what he did to me, but i was not going to let my baby suffer for his selfishness and so i looked around, taking the milk bottle from the fridge and pouring myself a glass already feeling his eyes on me, unless that was my paranoia though when i turned around to look, his eyes were indeed locked on mine. So i acted like it didn't phase me, i was scared of course but if i were to show it, then it would only build on his power and boost his dominance. He knew he controlled me, but now it was up to me to ensure that he could not control my baby.

Shakily my hand holding the clear glass of milk rose up to my lips and i took the smallest sip, deciding to look away from him though he was still watching me. I inhaled a little too deeply, choking ever so slightly when he pushed his chair back in one swift movement and stood up, grabbing his plate before he began walking towards me. I backed away as much as i could, refusing to meet his gaze as i kept one hand over my bump protecting it as much as i could.

He inched his way closer and it was only when i felt his breath on my face that i closed my only working eye and gripped my glass tighter, wondering if it was going to shatter in my hands.

I held my own breath, and waited for it to come...but it never did. I jumped again when his plate landed in the sink beside me and i decided to look at him, only to see a slight smirk on his face before he walked away and headed upstairs.

He was tormenting me, but the worse part was that i was letting him.

Looking up at the ceiling i blinked back my tears and took deep breaths, calming myself down so my baby did not need to fear. When i looked ahead of me again and observed where he had been sitting, i wondered if it was my mind playing tricks on me or if it was really there.

Carefully and quietly i stepped towards it and before i even knew it i had it in my hands and was scanning the web page that it was open on. It was of a car, most possibly of one he may have been looking to buy, but i didn't care about that. I walked to the far end of the room, trying to get as much distance between me and the staircase as possible as the adrenaline began coursing through me and my shaky hands found the call button and began typing away.

Maybe i shouldn't have, but i did. I was so scared that i was going to drop it, my eyes grew watery, my legs began to quiver and it felt like i was going to have a heart attack. I held it to my ear and listened to it ring, before it was finally answered and my mouth went dry.

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