Her Dream

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Not a chapter but try to read this nonsense but not so nonsense story. Because this is a dream.

She was worried. She was worried about sleeping at night. She kept on getting nightmares. Nightmares that she herself didnt know if it does have any meaning or not. She didnt know how many scenes in her nightmares. She kept on meeting nameless peoples. Acting familiar with unfamiliar people.

She jumped from one scene to another. One place to another. The dreams are all different. Every dream is different but all is scary and can make her shivers in fright. Its like that nightmare is chasing her. Not the people, the dream. This is so ridiculous. Meaningless dream but it kept on happening. Making her afraid to sleep. She didnt want to sleep but just like any other human, she needs to sleep. She needs to rest her body for the next day routines.

She tried to be awake but she was tired from earlier work and activity. She didnt even know when her eyes was closed. She didnt know when she started to drifted to sleep. She of course didnt realized that she is already entering the one thing that she is afraid of. The dream. The nightmare.

Scene One

She was walking with a group of other peoples. Around seven peoples plus her. Then they saw an old abandoned wooden house. Looking at the time, it was almost dusk. Already late afternoon. They decided to go to the wooden house for a night. Entering the double storey wooden house, they found that it was empty. No anything. No tables, no chairs, no decoration no anything. Just an empty house. But its really old. The woods look old and quite smelly.

Seeing that it was still good enough for a night protection they all didnt mind the smell. They each took a place at the level floor and none was brave enough or even want to go the upper floor. They closed the door and saw that they have to use another long wood like a plank as a lock.

At night around midnight, they all suddenly heard hard knocks. Good thing that few of them brought torchlights and they flashed it towards the door. The wooden door moves along the hard knocks. They hold their breathes and waited. Waited if the other side of the door will say something or not. If the one that was at the outside was human that is. No sound. No sound of footsteps. No voices. No sound at all from the outside except for the knocks. While at the inside, there were no voices, no one was talking except for the sound of their own breathing.

Then there it was again. The knocks. All knocks was the same. The strength exerts to knock was all the same. But still no voices. One of them from the inside started praying silently. He prayed that if it was human out there please say something that shows and makes whoever it is human. But still no sound.

'Who is it?'

Scene Two...

She looks like she was in an event. Looks like someone is getting married. She even talked to everyone she met in the house like they were her family members. Though she was  familiar at the house but if she was to remember it in her real life, she would not know whose house was it. She doesnt even know who were the people that she was talking to..

Though she actually was wondering..

'Who is getting married?'

Scene Three...

She was walking out of the house. Passing by the door, passing by the window of the house. Even passing by the stairs. But then suddenly it changed to her walking towards her grandmother's house. In real life her grandmother was staying at her family's home. Therefore no one was actually at her grandmother's house. Back to the dream. She walked in the old house. Suddenly she wanted to take a shower. So she took her bag that has her clothes and headed to the bathroom. The thing was, her grandmother's bathroom was actually outside the house. Not far, just need to open the door to the outside and turned left to another door. The bathroom's door. She went in. She took off her clothes and ready to turn on the shower. But stopped. She didnt know why but she doesnt want to make any noises. So instead of using the shower, she used a quite long hose as a shower. So she can crouched down as to minimalise the sound of the water.

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