Chapter 20

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The Party Day

All of them were really busy with Jungkook greeting all the guests, Taehyung and Soobin was taking charged with foods and drinks. Well, actually it was on Taehyung but Soobin insisted that he wanted to help Taehyung by saying that he will make sure all the food was refilled and presentable. What an excuse. Taehyung understand that and just shook his head and just let the younger man. While Yeonjun was just standing not far from his brother as he doesn't really used with this big event and just looking at those guests who are busy talking among themselves.

Jimin was also there greeting his model friends who happened to be guests in the party as well. He was glad that his stomach does not show much so he could walked around without anyone really noticed that he was pregnant. Then he went to stand next to Jungkook who was greeting the guests.

After all the guests have arrived, the party would soon start and the host in charge walked to the little stage while holding a mic.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming to this great event as you all know, today is a big day for this specific couple because exactly on this day 26 years ago they were united as one. Living together through hard and easy times, facing all happy and even sad moments, got blessed with two handsome successful sons, building up their own empire, almost everyone in the country know of their names. Let us pray and hope that this couple will always be together and love each other until the end and forever. Please welcome Mr Jeon Joonho and his lovely wife, Mrs Jeon jihyun.." the host said welcoming the Jeon Couple. The other guests gave a big applause for the couple. Jeon Joonho took the mic.

"Thank you to everyone for coming to celebrate this happy moment together with our family. Today is our wedding anniversary, but I have been telling my wife, the mother of our sons this whole 26 years that I am really grateful to have her in my life. This life and happiness will not be mine if she is not in my life. so I want to say it again especially on this big day that thank you for being my wife, thank you for giving birth to our sons, thank you for staying by my side through anything, for taking care of me, I can never repay you for all the things you have done,, but I will appreciate, take care of you and love you as long as I breathe..."Jeon joonho said while looking at his wife who was standing next to him. Her eyes looks glossy as tears pool in her eyes but she still smile sweet and shyly at her husband. She mouthed 'Me too' looking straight at her husband. Everyone in the party smiled and awed at the couple. They all clapped for the couple.

Taehyung was watching and felt really happy for his in laws. He was smiling thinking that they would definitely be together until they were really old and that's what he would called true love.

"And enough with this cringe cheesy part.." jeon joonho said trying to make a joke.."I hope everyone will have a good time and enjoy the party.." he said that and bowed before walking down the stage with his wife. He gave the mic back to the host. The guests started to chatted among themselves again while the Jeon couple walking around greeting their friends and guests while some other guests walked to the refreshments table.

"Please enjoy sir.." Taehyung said to the guests. Even though there are staffs handling the refreshments but he still wanted to help. He was busy greeting the guests that he did not realize that there is someone behind him.

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