Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P9)

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Reader's POV

I lye in bed still as I felt myself overheating, I lazily tossed the covers over my body and onto the end of the bed with my feet. Freezing cold air...

I stood up as I placed my feet on the ground.... NOPE!

I sighed as I looked for something to help me walk towards the end of my room to try and get to Donnie.

"ACHOO!" I sneezed rather loudly causing me to cough. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me as I placed it under my feet and shuffled towards the door of my room. "Donn--A...A..A-achoo!" I sneezed. 

I groaned as I felt the dry air against my throat whenever I inhaled to breathe. I opened the door as I squinted my eyes from the blinding light from the lair. "Don--" I couldn't even say anything. I was coughing as I went towards my elevator as I slipped on my blanket and fell. 

"OW OW OW!! DONNIE!!" I shouted as my voice was crackling as I spoke. I could see Donnie making his way closer to my room as I pushed myself up reluctantly as the cold air hit my warm skin.

"I don't feel good." I said as I rubbed my eye when I looked up at him. He smiled at me sadly before he opened up his hand for me to step on. "Let's see how your temperature is." Donnie said as I climbed onto his hand and laid myself flat. His skin wasn't too cold or too warm as I could feel myself falling asleep each passing second as Donnie brought out the first aid kit he kept, and pulled out a thermometer. That one was regular size as he pulled out the one he had made for me because how small I was.

I coughed as I watched him pull his supplies out as I felt my eyes closing as I kept having to snap them open to try and stay awake.

"Hold it under your tongue Y/n." Donnie said. "Huh?" I asked as my eyes darted around.

I put him place the thermometer under my tongue as I held my breath my nose is stuffed as I can't breathe thru my nose.

There was a beep as I opened my mouth and Donnie glanced at the thermometer. "Pretty high fever if you ask me, now wait here and I'll make you some soup." Donnie said. "Thank you Donnie." I said as I began to cough.

"Awe, how you feeling dudette?" Mikey said as he made his way into Donnie's room.

"Donnie says I have a-" I coughed then sneezed. "A bad fever.." I continued. 

"Awe, my poor little dudette is sick, how about after Donnie makes you your soup we can watch a movie before you rest?" Mikey suggested.

"O-ACHOO!...Okay uncle Mikey." I sighed.

"Awe you called me uncle Mikey." Mikey gushed as he restrained himself from jumping around for joy.

"Anyways tell Donnie to let me know when you are done eating, I'll set up a move as I wait for ya." Mikey said. "Alright." I yawned.

After Donnie finished making me soup and after I finished eating Donnie placed me on my own little couch next to theirs as Uncle Raph and Uncle Leo sat there.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked them as Donnie plopped down next to his brothers. 

"Well Mikey is picking a few to choose from." Leo said as Mikey suddenly popped his head out of their gaming room.

"Alright I have five to choose from... We have... The Shinning-" "NO!" Leo and Donnie said as Mikey huffed. "Knew that was out... Gnomeo and Juliet." Mikey said. Nobody knew what to say about that one. "The sequel to that of Sherlock Gnomes...Epic, Arthur and the Invisibles..."

Mikey looked at all of us as we thought. "What's Arthur and the Invisibles?" I asked.  Donnie and Raph chuckled as Mikey put the disc in as he went to go make some popcorn.

We sat thru the commercial thingies as Mikey returned with some popcorn. We all sat together as Master Splinter had sat nearby to watch the movie as well. We watched the movie as we all sat there mesmerized by the fact tiny tiny people, smaller than me even, were hidden under the ground as they explored their small world to get Arthur home. 

"That movie was awesome!" I smiled. Everyone laughed as I laughed with them, that night everyone went back to doing their own thing as I rested some more as I helped Donnie make more inventions.

I woke up the next morning feeling a whole lot better as I yawned and stretched and made my way down towards Donnie's room. "Morning Donnie." I smiled. He seemed to still be sleeping as I made my way towards the kitchen and tried a piece of poptarts to only realise there was no frosting on it.

"Donnie licked the icing off the poptarts again." I said. Mikey and Raph groaned as they went to go and talk with their brother. "Donnie's sick!" Mikey shouted. "I raced over to Donnie's room as fast as my legs could carry me. "Donnie, did I get you sick?" I asked as I walked towards his bedside table.

"Don't worry Y/n, it's not your fault...ACHOO!" Donnie sneezed.

"Uncle Raph, can we make Donnie some soup?" I asked. Raph held his hand out for me to climb onto as he nodded. "I think that's a good idea." He said as we made our way back to the kitchen.

We made Donnie some soup as Donnie eventually started to feel better later on in the day. The next day the turtles ended up going on a mission as I helped thru the Phone Donnie had set up for me. Everything was going well.

Tomorrow is my birthday as I looked at Donnie's calender, I hope Donnie remembers it.

(Sorry this is sorta short, the next chapter is longer)

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