CH. 16 Welcome to the Shit Show (PART 1.)

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Lance walked up to our swarm of brothers, placing himself in the mix.

I stood, cold, wet, and scared— shaking in our driveway as I avoiding their malicious glares.

I looked down at my feet, taking in a deep breath.

Before I knew what I was doing, the feet I was looking at started moving, and I was walking up the concrete steps that led to my front door.

I kept my head lowered; honed in on the sight of rain drops dampening the ground a darker shade of gray.

I reached the door mat.

My brothers stood silently to the right of me, and I could feel their gazes burning a hole into the side of my face.

I craned my head to look at them, tears stinging my vision.

The six of them all stared back; arms crossed over their chests, resent etched across their faces.

I put my hand on the door knob, eyes locked with theirs.

"So do you guys hate me now?" I muttered under my breath, looking at them through my brown hair swaying in front of my face.

Kade sighed, clenching his jaw, "Hate?" He cocked an eyebrow, "Never."

Chase now shifted his stance, "Disappointed though?" He continued.

"Very," Lucas added, anger evident in his dark eyes.

I lowered my head once again, a tear dripping down the bridge of my nose.

Don't let them see you cry, Vi...

I blinked the tears away rapidly, licking my lips. I looked straight forward, blowing a strand of hair away from my face, "I guess I'll just meet you guys in the dining room," I said through a ragged gulp of air, assuming that's where this shit show would take place.

"Good idea," Flynn snarled from the back of the pack.

I kept my eyes glued in front of me, twisting the knob, and walking through the empty Hansen home.

My heels clicked across our marble floors, echoing through the halls.

Fuck, I'm fucked, completely and utterly fucked.

I held my breath, sitting down at my usual spot at the dining table.

I tapped my nails rhythmically against the wood.

5, 10, 15 minutes passed, and I was growing impatient.

I guess they've left me a moment to muster up a good excuse... But honestly, there wasn't anything I could do or say to try and ease this tension. I was a deer caught in headlights with a whole audience of brothers to witness it.

A minute later I heard the front door squeak open; six pairs of footsteps making their way slowly into the dining room.

I stared at my thumbs, stacking them on top of each other, over and over again, in a nervous manner.

It was now 6:30 AM. My alarm clock for my first day of high school would go off in less than an hour.

The room of solitude was filled by the sound of six scraping chairs and one heavy sigh.

I looked to the head of the table to discover who's lips the sigh had escaped from; only to find Lance sitting in the head chair; previously known as Lucas' spot.

My eyes traced along the seating arrangements to find Lucas sitting in Lance's usual chair.

What kind of sorcery is this...

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