Bon bon the birthday clown :4

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Marco left the school and walked through the park trying to look for Star . It was dark and no one was in sight , he kept calling her name . Until five minutes later of walking he saw star siting on the bench looking up at the sky . He was overjoyed to finally have found star .
He ran over to her and out of breathe he sat next to her on the bench . As he was catching his breathe , he turned to Star " Star you shouldn't run away like that "
Star was unresponsive and just kept looking up at the sky with a Blank face . She got up and started to walk away . Before star could get up and only walk two steps Marco stood up and took her hand " Star please wait "
Star turned relished he was holding her hand and immediately turned around so far that Marco let go of her hand " MARCO , WHY DID YOU DO THAT ? MARCO WHY DID YOU KISS ME !!" She asked in rage Marco looked down and then back up " I'm sorry Star it just ...." before he could finish his sentence Star stopped him " why , Marco ?" She said while her eyes teared up . Marco couldn't say anything " Marco just leave me alone , I need some alone time " she said running away in tears .

Marco stood there motionless he sat back down and looked at the ground "what did I just do ?" He asked himself

As Star ran away in tears she got as far away as she could she sat down on the ground she stopped crying and called Janna " hey Janna , can I still help you with that seance ?" " wait , I thought you were at the dance with Marco ?" " ya but things changed , so can I still come ?" " ya I guess , I am at the cemetery near the park " " perfect , Ill meet you there !" Star said as she hung up . Star thought the doing this would get her mind of the situation she was in .

Meanwhile : Marco was sitting on the bench wondering, he hear the sound of a skateboard approaching . He looked up and saw Jackie " hey Marco !" She asked as she stopped infornt of Marco . " oh , hey Jackie " he said in a sad voice . Jackie picked up her statboard and sat next to Marco " are you ok ?" She asked in a concerned voice .
" no Jackie , I'm not " he said as he kept looking down
Jackie noticed Marco was wearing a tux  " Marco did you go to the dance ?" " ya I went with Star " " then why are you here ?" She asked confused
" you see , stars mad at me " he said sighing
Jackie was surprised as Marco and Star were best friends " Marco what did you do ?" She asked
" well , you see , I kissed Star " he said in a sad tone . She was shocked and didn't know how to respond " she patted him on his back " it's ok Marco "
Marco looked up and Jackie gave him a reassuring smile .
" hey I know what will get your mind off of Star !" Marco looked at Jackie...

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