Chapter :15

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It was the evening , Star had a somewhat red dress to her ankle . She put her hair in a dun with no makeup on her face and some red heels . She walked over to Marcos room and knocked on the door " Marco are you ready ?" She asked , Marco repiled quickly " ya I'm ready " as he stepped out of the room he saw star standing in fort of him he examined her and didn't realize he was starring at her . Star flew her hands infornt of this face to get his attention " Marco are you ok ?" He snapped back to reality and pretended to be paying attention all along . " YA , YA totally!!"

Star cut open a portal and the both of them stepped in . When they entered the castle they saw all kinds of kings and queens and different princess and princes with their dates . " ok Marco let's get awkward " she thought as she put her arm around his arm . Marco was cut of guard and started sweating nervously. They were kept in different conversations with other people where they could seem to get out of . After an hour Marco was getting a drink by the table and Star was chatting with her parents " ok mom dad , I need to tell you something super important and please don't get mad at me " moon and river looked and each other and then back at Star .  " ok ,Ludo took the book of spells and glossaryck " she said as she sighed and then looked down at the ground . Star was waiting for the moment she would hear screaming but it didn't happen . Star felt someone touch her shoulder " Star darling , it's ok me and your father will deal with this " star looked up and at parents " are you sure , are you not going to punish me or something " river shook his head " no Star " as Star gave them a big hug . When she let go of the hug , marco came up to her and put his hand arm around her " so how's my girlfriend ?" " Marco stop " she looked towards her parents " mom dad Marco and I aren't dating I lied about that too " Marco took his arm off of Star " thank god , we don't have to pretend anymore " he said relieved . His dad started to tear up " why I thought you two loved each other ?" River came up to them and put them both in a tight hug . Star and Marco who were being hugged to death looked at each other and then at River .river eventually let go and left star and Marco . " so how did it go ?" He asked " it went surprisingly well !"
Marco And star spent the rest of the night talking and laughing and being best friends . They were eating  by the buffet when a slow song came on . Everyone in the room took their partner and started to slow dance . Star and Marco turned away from each other trying no to make eye contact.

When the party ended they opened a portal to earth and ended in stars room . Star threw herself on her bed while Marco was taking of this tie " this thing has been strangling me all night !" " I know what you mean these dresses are so tight " the both of them laughed and then went to sleep .

Starco story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora