Chapter :12

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He tapped her on the shoulder are you alright ? Before he could even touch her she ran away . He cased after her and she slammed the door to her room locking it before Marco could even try the door handle " Star open up !" He said while knocking on the door . " Star , I'm very worried about you , what's wrong ? " he heard no answer " Star please I am begging you !!" No answer he didn't know what to do so he leaned against the door and sat down .

Star who was on the other side had her face buried into a pillow while crying silently. Marco eventually gave up and went to his room . He laid on his bed and thought to himself " what happened to her ? Is it something I did ? Is it something I said ? Or is it something else ?"
These questions rushed through his mind but he couldn't come up with an answer .

It was the next morning Star had gotten up earlier than normal . She didn't bother to say hi to Marco . She needed to talk to someone so she decided to visit pony head , but before she wrote a note

Hi ,
This is star , I am writing this note to tell you that I haven't disappeared and I am fine . I am going to spend a couple days with ponyhead . So don't bother look for me because I am fine .

She placed the note on the other side of the door and cut a portal to ponyheads castle . " when she arrived she was stopped by the guards " stop , who goes there !" One of the guards said with a serious look " it's fine , it me princess star butterfly, I am here to see my friend pony head " the guard let her in and lead her to ponyheads room . The guard opened the door and Star ran to ponyhead " heyy ponyhead!!" She said in her bubbly voice . " oh heyy girl , so good to see you !!"
Star went over to star to give her a hug " B-fly what are you doing arnt you suppose to be on earth with earth terd ?"
Star looked down " well you see the thing is ..." star told the hole story on her conversation with eclipsa to pretending to be dating with Marco to losing the book of spells . Star poured her heart out "girl , you've been through a lot !" " umm ponyhead is it ok if I say with you for a few days you know to get my mind off of things ?" " sure girl , anything for you B-fly !"

Meanwhile :
Marco had woken up later than usual and decided once more to talk to star . When he walked up to her door he was about to knock when he as the note on the door . He read it , and face palmed his head " what have I done !!" He moaned .

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