Chapter : 31

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The next morning when Star woke up she went downstairs to great her best friend . " hey Marco !"

Marcos POV :
Oh she definitely caught me off guard . I don't know but when she greeted me with that warm smile it hers I was speechless . I am never like this , but I just can't get her out of my head . UGH , WHY  DO I HAVE STUPID FEELINGS !!!

"H-hi " he stuttered back .

Stars POV :
I have no idea what is happening with him but he just stuttered , the safe kid . An A+ student stuttering.I'm not going to lie it was ADORABLE !!!! Wait , why did I say that . UGH , THESE STUPID FEELINGS !!!!

" so what do you wanna do today ?" I asked breaking the silence. This time he responded faster and without stuttering " Am actually busy today , I have to do something today " he said while leaving quickly.

Marco POV :
As I quickly left I got to my room . " ugh why did I say that !? Why am I getting so nervous around her , i can't keep doing this !!!

Later that evening
Marcos POV :
Ok Marco Diaz you can do this , just tell her how you feel . She'll understand .....I hope .

Marco looked around the castle for Star but couldn't find her . He went down to the basement to see if she was there , he saw her standing at a corner , peeking her head around the corner eavesdropping " Star I we need to talk this is really improtant , I can't keep hiding- " he was cut off buy star putting her hand on his mouth to silence him " quiet Marco , I am trying to listen to this conversation " .
Star was evasdropping on a conversation with the high commission and her mom .
It went something like this

Hekapoo : " moon look what your daughter had caused , the book of spells is gone and we can't get it back !"

Rhombulus: " we told you never to have Star involved in this in the first place !"

Omnitraxus prime : " because of you Ludo is still on the lose and he could attack at any moment!"

Moon : " look I can explain , we will fix all of this . I just don't know how to yet !"

As Star listened to this conversation she realized she caused all this mess . She ran away with a sad expression on her face . Marco followed after her  but she had already left . " Star !" He called out around the castle , but nothing . " Star !" Still nothing

Marcos POV :
Where did she go ? She couldn't have gone far ? Or atleast I hope so ?
I keep calling her name but no luck .

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