Chapter :32

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Marco couldn't find star anywhere . She wasn't in her room , or in the dinning room . She had disappeared, but Marco knew one more place she liked to visit . He climbed on top of her balcony and their she was sitting looking as the sun set over the castle . Marco sat next to her " hey , you left in a rush ? What's wrong ? And don't tell me it's nothing "

Stars POV : when Marco asked what's wrong I was going to say it was nothing but he knew I was going to say that . He could read me like a book , probably better than anyone else . He really does understand me .

Star sighed " I just can't stop thinking about what I had done . I had lost the book of spells and now I am putting all the stress and pressure on my mom and the magic high commission to fix it . I just feel like a horrible person !" She said as she buries her face into her knees . Marco felt bad for her " Star , you know it's not your fault , you didn't burn the book Ludo did . You did what any person would do in that situation , you can't blame yourself for it ." These words comforted her and she reached her arms out for a hug " thank you " she said as she hugged him tightly , Marco couldn't help but blush a little bit .

The two stared at the sun set over the castle .

The next day :
At the dining table :
Marco wasn't awake yet but Star went downstairs to find her mom waiting for her " morning darling " moon said as she turned to face Star . Instead of replying back Star gave her mom a tight hug without her talking " mom , I am sorry , for everything. I am the reason you are having all these problems with the high commission and menwi , I'm sorry . " moon and star let go of the hug " oh sweetly don't blame yourself , it's my fault for having you to hide from Ludo , it wasn't smart of me either . But trust me star everything will work out , so don't think about it too much " star nodded and gave her mom one last hug " dear ,I think you should go back to earth with Marco again , here it isn't safe either so it's best you stay there but promise me that you won't leave earth to go to other dimensions , that is far to dangerous " " I promise "

Later that evening : Marco and Star opened a portal back to earth and waved stars parents goodbye .
When Star and Marco got home marco landed on the couch " oh sweet , sweet home !" Meanwhile Star was deep in her thoughts " um Marco I'm gonna go to my room now...." she said heading upstairs

Marco POV :
That was odd , the star I know would never be so cold and distant something was clearly on her mind . But maybe I should give her some time and then talk to her

Heyy guys , sorry for the late posts and short chapters . I have been busy , but I checked the reads I got on this book so far and we are at 600 !!!!! Omg I am shook , HONESTLY!!!! Words can't describe how happy and how much I love you guys for reading my book . It means the world to me !!!  🌠🎇🎑🏞🎆🌅🌇🌄🌆🌁🌉🌌🌃🏙😊🤗♥️♥️♥️

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