Chapter :24

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Marco POV :

Lately I haven't seen Star around much ... she's mostly going on dates with Tom all of the time . It breaks my heart not to see my best friend a lot but she's happy and that means a lot to me . But the only time star and I actually connect is on friendship Thursday . We would do crazy stuff together and have fun !! That is my favorite part of the week .

Stars POV :
Today is Thursday, more precisely, friendship Thursday!!!
I felt bad for Marco for always leaving him alone when I am always with Tom .
I have the perfect day waiting for Marco !

It was about 8:00 am and had gotten dressed and ready for the day . I was about to leave my room when I got a call from Tom . " hey starship , I was wondering if you would like to go to the fireworks tonight ?" Star's expression changed to sorrow " I'm sorry Tom but I had a special day planned for Marco and I cause it's friendship Thursday , but I could try to come , I promise " Tom smirked at Star " Star , the show starts at 10:00 pm , I will come by that time to pick you up ,if you can't make it it's fine " he said giving her a reassuring smile . Star felt guilty on the inside for balling out on her boyfriend , so he promised him she would definitely make it .

The call ended and she burst into Marcos room . " HAPPY FRIENDSHIP THURSDAY MARCO !!!" She said screaming . Marco feel out of this bed in a hurry " I'm sorry that I'm late for school mom " " Marco I am NOT your mom !" Marco came to the realization it was star " oh !" The both of them laughed it off and then Marco stood up " so what are we doing today ?" "I am going to take you to the movies " Marco got dressed and they headed off . Star opened a portal to the movie theater and the ended up in the back of the movies theater " uhh , Star the movie theater is in front of this building , why have we teleported here ?" Star kicked open one of the air conditioning vents " Marco we are not going to watch the movie in the movie theater, that ridiculous!" She said with a a confused look " Star I don't like where this is going !" He yelled " relax diaz ! Now give me your hand and climb in here with me " she said as she pulled out one hand , Marco folded his arms " no Star I am not going in there !" Star grabbed him by the hoddie and pulled him not the vent . She began crawling her way through the air vents and marco had no choice but to follow her .

" Star are you sure you know what your doing !" She turned around and gave Marco a grin " Marco I know this place like the back of my hand !" Right then the place where Star was sitting the vent broke and she fell through the ceiling onto the ground " Marco stayed by the hole where Star fell through and looked down " Star are you ok ?!" She had landed on her stomach with ceiling pieces under her .

" owwwwww , that hurt , but I am fine Marco !" Just then a bunch of security guards surrounded Star " HEY NO TRESPASSING!!! " one of the guards screams " oh no !" Star says as she realizes she's in trouble, Marco pulls his hand down and Star grabbed it and Lifts Star up and back into the vent " you ok ?" He asked with concern " HEY THERE GETTING AWAY !" Another guard screams . Star and Marco crawl as fast as they can to get out of there and then get out where they came from . Marco was first out and helped star get out . The both of them ran towards the exit but then the security guards were already waiting for them . Star grabbed Marcos hand and they jumped the fence to the other side . Star quickly ran towards a shop and inside the shop they stop to take a breathe .

When they look at each other they immediately start to laugh there heads off !
" Star did you see your face when you realized the guards where around you , oh man it was haliarious !" They both of them laughed some more . Then finally stopped " Star you know they will never let ya back in the movies if we show our faces again " he said wiping away a tear of laughter from his eye . " unless........ "Star said looking around the shop they were in . She looked at Marco with a nasty grin and he smiled back .

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