Chapter :18

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Marco heads up to his room sad that he broke up with the girl of his dreams but happy he has his best friend there to support him .

Star felt bad for him knowing that his girlfriend broke up with him . But she couldn't help but feel a little happy .

A couple days had passed and Marco hadn't left the house at all . Star was trying her best to be their by his side and she did , but marco was still sad about the hole situation. Marco would refuse to go outside or do anything , So Star decided to do something for him .

" ARGH !!! " star screamed in pain . Marco jumped off his bed and ran to her room " what happened. He thought he would see star hurt or on the ground but she was standing infornt of him . " ok . Now I finally have you attention." She said with a smile , Marco walked up to her with an annoyed expression " Star why did you do that ?" " I did that so I could get you to come here to tell you something " " you know you could've just asked me to come over and I would've instead of screaming making me think your dying or something " star shrugged " it would be as fun, anyways you and me are going to the beach !" " no !" " Marco you've been in your room for days you haven't left the house and you need something to get your mind off of things " she then pushed him out of her room " Marco I will see you downstairs in 15 minutes and be ready !"
Marco sighed , he wasn't in the mood to go to the beach but he did it anyways . Marco put on his swimsuit and his cloths over it . Marco then walked downstairs to see star ready " ready to go !" She said in her happy and bubbly personality , Marco answered emotion less " yes "

" YAY ! Let's head out "

20 minutes later :

Star and Marco made it to the beach . At first Marco wasn't feeling it . Star practically dragged him toward the sea shore " Marco look !!" He looked over to where she was pointing and didn't know when it hit him ( literally 😂)
Star had pushed him into the water "haha !" She started to laugh as she dropped to the ground because it was so funny to her . Marco had laughed along with her " oh no , now your going to get it " he said with a smile . Star quickly got up and ran away from him while he was chasing her . And in the first time in a while Star actually saw Marco smiling . Star hid behind a rock thinking she was safe , Marco came from behind her and pulled her into a tight hug from behind " how do you like a wet hug ?" He asked with a grin on his face . While still hugging her from behind he took her to the shore and threw her into the water " that what you get !" He said as he now started to laughed . The both of them laughed and played the hole day at the beach .

Marco had forgotten all about his breakup with Jackie . While the sun was setting Marco and star sat down on the beach making a sandcastle together . Star pushed from a moment and looked at the sunset . Marco looked over at Star and he smiled sweetly . He realizes that his best friend had cheered him up he had spent a hole day not thinking about Jackie . He felt lucky to have such an amazing best friend who cared for him. Then it hit him like a bullet . HE LIKED STAR !!!

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