Chapter :30

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Star , Marco and glossaryck all head back to the castle . Glossaryck brakes the silence between them

" so Star how are you going to tell your mom that the book of spells is gone , I mean you have to tell her at some point "

" ya glossaryck, thanks for pointing out the obvious!"

" Star why are you so upset ?"
Star turns around facing glossaryck

" because if it weren't for you then we wouldn't have gotten into this mess !"

" me , I'm the problem . I was fine with Ludo , he gave me all the pudding I wanted . I didn't need rescuing , I was fine without you ."

" glossaryck, you don't get it . Ludo is the bad guy in this !"

" Star I didn't cause this so don't go blaming it on me ."

Star turned away and groaned. When they made it to the castle they snuck back into the castle through the balcony . When Star got to the top she saw her mom waiting for her " oh hi mom..."

Marco left the room because he knew it wasn't his place to be there . Instead he stood outside waiting to hear from Star . He could hear some yelling and arguing but for the most part it seemed fine . When Star walked out of the room she turned to Marco " so how did it go ?" Marco asked " my mom was mad that I did that and put both of us in danger and lost the book of spells forever  but she is happy that we are ok . She said that she will talk to the matter with the high commission and they will figure things out together , but my mom said I should stay out of it so I guess that's that " " so umm If everything is ok , then I need to talk to you , it's really important!"
" Marco can it wait till tomorrow, I am tired ok , I have a lot of things to think about and i take more if it ." Marco understood where she was coming from and decided to talk to her some other time . They hugged each other goodnight and went to bed .

Stars POV :
I wonder what Marco wanted to talk to me about ? I don't know but I guess I'll find out soon enough .

Marcos POV :
Ugh , the longer I keep this from her the longer it's going to hurt . Ugh , why do feeling hurt so bad !!!"

The both of them drifted off to sleep .

Sorry this chapter is really short , I am really busy at the moment . I have a lot on my plate , but I will try to still publish . I wanted to thank all of the people who read my story , it means the world to me and it makes my day !!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Again I promise I will try my best to publish and I will see you guys tomorrow!!!!

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