Chapter :20

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Before I begin I just wanted to say to all the starco shippers reading this story that this chapter will break your heart , because Tomstar is included in this chapter . Trust me , it was very difficult to write this but it all part of the story .😂😂😂 ENJOY !!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Marco took stars dimensional scissors and opened a portal.

Meanwhile :
Tom and star go to the movies , they waited in line to buy snacks , Tom offered to pay for Star but she refused , even tho she found the offer sweet . They took their sets in the middle and began to wait for the movie to start .

Marcos POV :
Marco opened a portal to the movie theater and saw star and Tom buying snack " ok nothing bad has happened yet " he thought to himself . He bought a ticket and made sure not to be seen by star and Tom . When Marco saw where Tom and star were sitting Marco sat all the way at the back where they wouldn't be able to see him .

The movie started and Marco wasnt concentrating on the movie but he was making sure his best friend was ok .

Stars POV :
The movie started and everything was going normal , halfway through the movie I was getting cold . Tom noticed this and then he offered to give me his jacket . I smiled sweetly as I took the jacket , " wow maybe Tom has changed" Star thought to herself .

The movie ended and Star gave Tom back his jacket as the headed out of the movie theater " wow that was such a great movie !" She said in her bubbly personality, Tom smirked at this " well I am glad you like it !" " Tom did you see that one part where the main character feel in a puddle of mud and then this friend offered to help him him and then the both got stuck , omg that cracked me up so much !" The both of them smiled at and this joke and then the both of them faced each other "thanks for inviting me to the movies Tom , I had a great time !" She smiled at him and the two of them pulled in closer until there lips meet and they kissed .

Marcos POV :
When the movie ended I was glad that Star was alright when I left the movie theater trying not to be stopped I stood by the corner of the movie theater waiting for Star and Tom to come out . I saw the two of them making Normal friends conversation and I thought my job was done . I opened the portal but before I stepped in I turned around one last time to see Tom and star kissing . I was in shook but I didn't want to be seen so I stepped into the portal and got into my room . I lay in my bed rubbing my eyes to make sure i wasn't dreaming but it was true .

Stars POV :
When we let go of the kiss we looked into each other's eyes deeply . Tom broke the silence " so does that mean your my girlfriend?" I giggle at this comment and answered " of course silly "
He took me home and when he left I couldn't contain my emotions anymore I rushed to Marcos room

Marcos POV :
I was lying on my bed with that sense replying in my head over and over again . I just couldn't stop thinking about that . Then Star burst into my room " Marco !!" I stood up straight and pretended to be reading .

Star burst into Marcos room and he pretended he was reading " oh hey star how did the movies go ?" He tired to say with a smile .

Star began talking about how the movie went and how they started dating again and how romantic it was . She didn't spare any detail . Star didn't spare a detail , but Marco knew everything that had already happened . He tired pretended to be interested in what she had to say but inside he was heartbroken .

When Star went to bed that night she couldn't stop thinking about that kiss but something was bothering her deep down....

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