Chapter :11

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.... my dear it going to be alright , I understand you " hearing eclipsa say this a tear ran down stars face . " I wanted to asked you if you know any way to get glossaryck and the book of spells back , I am desperate " eclipsa felt pity for Star " I do know one spell ..." stars eyes widened "'s called the all seeing eye , you can use it spy on your enemies or in this case it to find out where the book of spells and glossaryck is , you have to say these words " I summon the all seeing eye to tear a hole to to the sky , revile to me what is hidden , unveil to me what is forbidden " and when you say this point your wand to the sky and think about the thing you want to see " as eclipsa said these last words rhombulus crystalize eclipsa " HEY , what was that for ?" " I'm sorry princess , she's evil , I have to "star turned around and walked away looking back " she doesn't seem so evil " she said mumbling under her voice .

Star got cut a portal back home , she landed in her bedroom and face planted on her bed . She thought about what had just happened. She needed to talk to this to someone so she went to Marcos room but he wasn't there .

Meanwhile :
Marco and Jackie sat down on a bench really close together

Marcos thoughts:
Ok you can do this just place your hand around her shoulder

He placed his hand over her shoulder pretending to be cool . " you know Marco I had a really good time with you tonight " Jackie said as she leaned in closer .

Meanwhile : Star was in Marcos room , but he wasn't there " I guess he is still on his date with Jackie " thought to herself . She looked at her and then thought about the spying spell . Her mind was telling her to do it but she knew it wasn't right . Finally she decided to do it when she did the spell she saw Marco and Jackie on a bench . Marco had his hand around her shoulder and they were kissing . Star heart dropped at the sight of what she saw . The spell stopped .

Meanwhile :
Jackie and Marco let go of the kiss . Jackie stood up , pulled out her skateboard " Marco I had an awesome time tonight , we should go on another date some other time " she said as she skateboarded way while waving goodbye to Marco .

Marco ran back home in a happy mood , excited to tell his best friend how the date went . He bristled into stars room " Star you can not believe the night I had , it was amazing !!!" He stopped his sentence when he noticed that Star wasn't in her room . He looked around the house calling her name but no response. He went to the roof to see star sitting on the roof staring at the ground . "Star , finally I've found you !" He said as he sat next to her " I wanted to tell you about my date with Jackie , you can't believe what happened..." he stopped his sentence when he noticed his best friend not responding . He tapped her on the shoulder

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