Chapter :16

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The next morning when Star woke up super late . She got dressed and walked downstairs to get some breakfast ( she was still in that half asleep state ) when she reached the bottom stair Marco popped out from the corner " morning !" She screamed and jumped back in fright " Marco , what was that for ?" "I don't know you looked tired , I thought I might wake you up " star playfully punched Marcos shoulder " of course you did !"

Star and Marco spend most of the day binge watching some of their favorite shows when There was a knock on the door he went to answer it . It was Jackie " hey Marco , I was wondering if you would like to go to watch another movie with me ?" Marco replies " umm give me one minute he said as he closed the door swiftly . He turned to his best friend " STAR , WHAT DO I SAY ?!" Star shot up from where she was sitting " well you shouldn't have shut the door infornt of your girlfriend but you already did that !" Marco started to pace back and forth " what do I say ?" " Marco your overreacting, just answer yes " she said as she walked over to Marco and placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring nod . " alright I'll do it " Marco opened the door " Jackie , I would love to go out with you !" " great Marco , let's go !" She said in her normal and happy tone . As Jackie turned around to start walking , Marco followed but turned back one last time and motioned his lips to say " thank you !" . She smiled at him and then shut the door " your welcome , I guess..." she said in a sad tone .

Star continued to watch movies by herself every hour or so she keep looking at the clock

7:00 pm

8:00 pm

9:00 pm

10:00 pm

At 10:00 pm she feel asleep on the couch . Shortly after Marco came back and saw star asleep he couldn't help but smile .

A week later :

Star and Marco were walking home from school just talking about normal thing " so Star how was your day at school ?" She answered with a quick " meh , how about you ?" " my day was also kinda ,meh " the both of them laughed at this . " so Star you wanna go get ice cream ?" She replied while smiling " meh " Marco roles his eyes will smiling and then they got ice cream they sat down at a nearby bench " so Marco how is it going with you and Jackie ?" She asked unexpectedly " well , it's going great actually!" He said with a smile on his face

Marco POV :

When she asked that question I answered like me and Jackie were doing fine but I lied . I thought dating Jackie would be nicer . Don't get me wrong I have a crush on her but whenever we hang out or kiss . I can't help but feel something is wrong .

Stars POV :

When Marco said that his relationship was doing fine . I couldn't help but feel sad . He's my best friend and he found the girl of his dreams , I souls be happy for him but i just ... can't .

Star and Marco were in eating in silence in their own thoughts .

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