Chapter :33

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It was night time and Star was on her balcony just gazing outside and deep into her thoughts .

Marco came into her room without her knowing and walked over to the balcony where she was . " hey , what's up ?" He said while leaning next to the balcony " Oh nothing just looking at the stars , there really nice out tonight "
" ya but the nicest Star is right next to me "

Stars POV :
Wait did marco actually say that ? Is he flirting with me ? Wait does he like me ?

Marcos POV:

" what ?" Star asked " um....."
" that was sweet Marco " she said as she turned back around to look at the sky . Marco couldn't help but blush a little.
She also couldn't help but blush a little .
" Star I need to tell you something important ."
" hold that thought Marco " she said while she put her hand over his mouth " do you hear that ?"
Marco took stars hand off this mouth " no I don't hear anything ?"
" shhhhh , I think something is with us Marco "
The two went silently walked downstairs to where Star heard the sound . When they were halfway down the stairs , they could see someone on standing by the living room . " PONYHEAD !" Marco screamed furious. Star jumped down the staircase and ran over to Ponyhead and gave her a hug " PONYHEAD !"
" hey B-Fly !"
" Ponyhead what are you doing here ?" Marco asked mad " chill Marco , did I interrupt anything ?" " well actually you did " Marco said seriously " whatever , I came to ask Star if she wanted to go to this awesome new club to party !"
" sure ! Marco you wanna come ?"
" nah , I'm gonna pass "
" oh come on Marco it will be fun , or are you chicken ?" Ponyhead said with a smirk
Marco rolled his eyes " fine !"

The three of them left for the club " wow this place is awesome !" Star said excited " ya but it's really loud !" Marco said while covering his ears . Ponyhead has already left for to the dance floor .star went to the dance floor to dance while Marco just stood there by the side feeling awkward and uncomfortable .

Star POV :
I was dancing like my life depended on it that I kinda lost Ponyhead in the dance floor . The place was packed with people , I looked around to see if Ponyhead was around but as I was looking around a guy came up to me and started a casual conversation, he seemed nice and he had a friendly smile . I engaged in conversation with him and he made me laugh , he was funny and charming . He asked me for my number " hey can I have your number ?" He asked " uhh.... one moment please " she said as she ran off

Marcos POV :
Me being the socially awkward teenager who doesn't want to engage in conversation teenager that I am decided that I wanted to stay by the side and just look at everyone else dancing . I payed attention to star , she really did know how to dance I was impressed . At one point a guy came up to her and started a conversation,she laughed and smiled at his jokes and he was obviously flirting with her . I couldn't help but get a little jealous  on the inside . She then ran up to me " MARCO , MARCO YOUR A BOY , WHAT DO I DO IF A BOY ASKS FOR MY NUMBER ?! " I was jealous that she actually liked this guy , i couldn't answer because he command up to us " hey so can I have your number ?" I looked at him the way he smirked at her , I knew he was nothing but trouble "actually she has a boyfriend, which is me " aStar was mad Marco blew her chance with a cute boy . " oh ok , sorry " he said as he left . Marco smirked but star pulled his wrist and walked outside with him so it was less noisy and less crowded , when they got outside star blew up in marcos face " MARCO , WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?"
" star look ,I can guarantee you he was just going to use you "
" Marco , I know your the SAFE KID but stay out of my love life !" She screamed at him
" Star he was nothing but trouble you shouldn't trust him "
" Marco how would you know ?!"
" I KNOW BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU !" Marco blurred out without thinking .

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