Chapter 25 :

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Star and Marco get a bunch of cloths and pay for them . They put on the silly disguise cloths and look at each other " hey where Star ?" He asked jokingly Star smirks and elbows him " you ready ?!" She asked excitedly.

The pair go to buy tickets and pass the security guards and they didn't notice them . Star and Marcos enter the movie theater without anyone noticing them and set all the way at the back end " ha , what loser!" He says as he gets comfortable in his set. Star turns to him and laughs " ya , can't even recognize us !" She says as she lays back comfortably in her set . She was about to get up " wait Marco , I need to get snacks , you can't watch a movie without snacks !" She was about to leave when Marco took her hand " don't worry I got it covered as he pulls out a chocolate out of this pocket Marco realizes he didn't at go of stars hand and neither did she .

A lady and Her son where going to sit in the back " hey mommy look let's go sit in the back other there , he says as he points to a set close to Star and Marco " oh no sweetly , I think that young nice couple wouldn't like us sitting there maybe we should sit over there so these two came get some privacy "

Star and macro can still hear what they said despite them being far away . They both look down at there hand with they were holding and they immediately let go " I - ummmm... sorry " they both sat at the same time . Realizing what the lady just said made them both blush hard . They look away from each other " well that was awkward " Marco says as he plays with his fingers " yup !" Star says as she blocks eye contact with Marco using her hand to avoid contact .

Marco turns to her " I mean who would think were a couple , I mean out of all people !" He said a with a fake laugh " ya " she says as she also puts on a fake laugh

Stars POV :
It kinda hurt when Marco said that . I think I get the point he's trying to mark I mean we're not a couple , but deep down I kinda wish we could.....

Marcos POV :
I don't know why I said that , I'm just lying to her more even tho I have these feeling for her . Well... atleast I know now that she's not interested in me .

The movie begins but neither Marco nor star could concentrate on the movie .after awhile they both started to forget about the problem and were relaxing . When the movie ended Star and Marco were talking and making jokes about the movie they had just watched . They opened a portal to home . The both sat down and started to talk more until there was a knock at the door " I'll get it !" Marco said when he opened the door he saw Tom " hey Tom , what are you doing here ?" " oh hey Marco , I came to pick up Star we are going to watch the fireworks, is that ok with you ?" " ya , ya totally !" Marco tired to say with a chill expression but Tom could see Marco was a bit sad about star leaving this soon . Star came over to her boyfriend and hugged him tightly and looked at Marco and gave a sad look " I'm sorry that i cut friendship Thursday short Marco" she said with a frown . " oh no it's fine !" He said trying to smile . Tom could see that star felt bad and Marco felt sad .

Starco story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora