Chapter :9

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They opened the portal :

As soon as they stepped in they were at the front gate of the castle . Marco took out his arm and Star rapped her arm around his to make it look like they were a couple .

As soon as the gate opened Star and Marco saw a lot of people . " ok Marco , act casual and try to blend in " she said as they walked around . In an instant everyone had turned their heads towards them .

Marco felt really awkward while Star was trying to seem princess like and smiling . The night began ok " for most of the time Star and Marco stayed together , they were congratulated a lot by people .

Star and Marco were talking to another couple , when Marco interrupted " ok , it was so nice talking to you but star how about we go sit at the table ?" He said pointing towards the table with his head . When the couple left , Star and Marco let go of each other and sat down " STAR !! I can't keep pretending, you need to tell your parents now !" He said in an angry tone . " ok , ok " she said while place planting her head on the table and groining .

" ok ,while you do that I'm going to get something to drink be right back " Marco got a drink and when he turned around the king and queen were behind him . Marco screamed in surprise . When he realized it was then he quickly acted normal .

" hi !" He said in a somewhat happy voice . The king answered back with a smile " hello my boy ,how are you doing ?" Marco was trapped in a conversation that he didn't know how to get out of .

Meanwhile : Star still had her head in the desk in sadness ,she didn't know who to tell her parents . She felt a tap on her shoulder , it was rhombulus " hi princess , how are you ?" Star looked very sad and rhombulus could tell .

He sat down next to her " I can't tell when something is wrong , you know you can tell me ?" Star smiled and sighed " actually I do have a problem , but you can't tell my parents or the High commission, promise ?" He nodded and star explained everything . How she had lost glossaryck and the book of spells . When she finished she looked at rhombulus who was paying attention. She placed her head on the table " I know , I did the wrong thing and I messed up , but..." before she could finish the sentence rhombulus interrupted " look , I can't tell what you are going through and this maybe very hard to tell your parents , but .... I may have an idea how to get the book and glossaryck back ."
Star shot up her head from the table " really ?!" She said in a surprised voice " ya , I will tell you tomorrow night at 12:00 am sharp , when no one is around but make sure you come alone ." Star smiled and gave him a big and tight hug " thank you rhombulus!!"
Rhombulus smiled and then left .
Star turned around to see Marco taking to her parents . She thought she heard him say the book of spells , she immediately ran over to him and her parents . She rapped her arm around his around " hey Marco !! What are you guys talking about ?" She said with a fake smile " oh honey , your boyfriend. Was just telling us about how your training is going with glossaryck?" The king said , the queen looked around " speaking of which , where is glossaryck I haven't seen him all night ?" Stars eyes widened . " aaaaaaa, well you see mom , glossaryck didn't come because he didn't feel like it " she tired to say in a convincing voice . " come on Marco let's go !" She tired to say in a sweet voice . She practically dragged Marco along with her , they walked outside of the castle to the flower garden , " Star ! What was that all about , that was your chance to tell your parents !" " no Marco , what did you do ! You almost got me caught !" " ya but you were suppose to tell them !!"

" Marco look , rhombulus told me that there is another way to get glossaryck and the spell boom back , but we need to keep up our act up for a little while longer "
" agh fine !" He repiled as he finally gave up . They went back inside and pretended to be a couple for the rest of the night .

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