Bon bon the birthday clown 6

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Meanwhile :
Janna was betting up all the rats with her purse " you guys are ruining my seance !"
Star and Ludo were having a battle. Star knew he had the other part of the wand . While she was battling she used a spell that sucks things in as Star was concentrating on this spell, Marco came through the gates of the cemetery with Jackie ( both of them on the skateboard ) she looked at him and when she turned back to the spell it was getting dangerous and stronger . Marco tried to get to star but the bird and the spider blocked him , meanwhile Jackie was helping Janna out . When stars spell got out of control she dropped her wand and passed out . They portal got stronger and was know sucking her in , she held on the ground barely. Ludo has managed to escape and was after the book of spells . The bird and the spider left Marco to go to Ludo ( who had the book ) as Marco tired to chase Ludo and get the book back Ludo spook " boy are you really going to waste your time chasing me , when your love over there is going to get pulled in " hearing this Marco let go of the book and reached star just in time before she got pulled in . He took her hand " Marco let go , your going to get pulled in to !" " no , I'm never letting go !" As he was getting pulled in he felt a hand grab his , it was jackie and behind her was Janna . Eventually the portal closed and everyone fell to the floor . Marco got up and helped star up , he then helped Jackie up .
Star walked over her wand and picked it up .she feel to her knees and just sat on the floor looking at the wand . Jackie and Janna left after seeing star sad . Marco however didn't , star stood up " Marco I think we should go " she began walking and Marco who was confused walked along side with her . Star had a blank expersenion on her face , Marco tired to lighten the mood . He turned to her and saw tears dripping down her face " hey " Marco said , Star turned towards him and collapsed into the embrace of Marcos warm hug , she placed her hands around his neck and started to cry on his shoulder. Marco held stars back rubbing it ,to try and relax her . Star broke down in emotions and her legs gave up . Marco tired to Sapport her and help her stand up " I lost glossaryck, and the book of spells !!" She let go of his embrace and looked down " I am losing everything !!"
" hey , look I'm sorry that you lost the book of spells and glossaryck, but we'll get him back , I promise " he opened out his arms and gave her a hug " Star , dont Belem yourself for losing glossaryck and the book of spells , it was my fault...,Star let go of the hug and looked at him ...I am the one who let go of the book , I am the one who kissed you and made you mad and basically started this hold situation."

" Marco this is not your fault " she said in a reassuring voice " Marco looked up at her " Star I'm really sorry that I kissed you , I didn't mean to do it , it was at the heat of the moment , there was no controlling it... " Marco was paused by star " Marco it's fine "
" no , it not Star , I ruined our friendship he said as he turned around looking away from Star .

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