Chapter :10

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When the party finished . Star and Marco opened a portal to home and as soon as the portal closed they sighed in relief .star face planted on the bed " this bed is soooooooooo comfortable !!"
" that was the longest party I have ever attended, Star do you know how hot it is in this tux ?" Star stood up from her bed " Marco do you know how uncomfortable it is to wear heels ?" The both of them laughed and went to bed .

The next morning Marco woke up late, he  was downstairs making breakfast when he noticed there was no milk . His parents were at work and Star was still asleep . So he headed out to the shop to get some milk . As he was walking home through the park , he saw Jackie on the skateboard riding around the park . When she stopped to notice him they had a friendly conversation " so did you make up with Star ?" She asked out of the blue . " ya , were back to being friends again !"

Jackie looked at Marco " so I was wondering , would you like to go out with me tonight , we could go to the movies if you'd like ?"

Marco was in shook , he was so happy the girl of his dreams was asking him out . Inside he was firing of happiness, but he tired to play it cool " ya , sure " he tired to say in a cool voice .

As soon as Jackie left he exploded in happiness .when he got home he rushed to tell his best friend .

Star was in her room , Marco came bursting in the room " Star you can not believe what just happened, I was walking back home from the shop because I end to get milk and I care across Jackie and SHE ASKED ME OUT AND I SAID YES !!!" Marco said with a big smile on his face . Star saw how happy he was so she pretended to smile and be happy for him " that's great Marco " " now if you'll excuse me Star , I am going to get ready because I have a date tonight he said as he ran out of the room . Star closed her door " great " she sighed

That night Marco and Jackie went to the movies , it was a scary movie . At one point it got so scary Jackie held onto Marcos arm . When the movie ended they went to the park and sat down on the bench ( it was nighttime)

Meanwhile :
Star opened a portal to the castle . It was dead silent and she couldn't see anyone around . She put a dark cape over her body . She walked down to the basement in silence with the light of wand to help guide her . When she reached the basement she saw rhombulus standing infornt of his crystals . When he heard her enter he turned around " hello princess, right on time you made it ! " Star took of the cape " hey rhombulus " as she walked over to him she saw different crystal with different people in them " wow , you did all this ?" She asked looking around " yup , my duty is to crystallize monsters " rhombulus pointed to the biggest crystal of them all and in there Star saw a lady with a dark purple dress , short green hair and a big hat . "How's that ?" She asked " that's  eclipsa , she was the ruler of mewni centuries ago .shes also known as the queen of darkness . She is very dangerous and she is the one who wrote the forbidden chapter in the book of spells " he added

" princess , I asked you to come here because I think If you take to her maybe you can find a dark spell to get back the book and glossaryck " he said as he turned to her . She turned back to him and nodded . As the both of them walked up to her rhombulus used his magic powers to uncyrstalize half of her body . Rhombulus wished her good luck and ran away to leave them talk .

Eclipsa gasped for air and star pointed her wand at her . " are you eclipsa, the queen of darkness ?" Star asked in a serious voice , eclipsa replied as soon as she could breathe normally again " yes , I am , why do you ask ? "

Star noticed she had a kind voice and didn't seem so evil . Star put down her wand from pointing at her face "I am star butterfly, your great , great , great , great , great , great something granddaughter "
Eclipsa took a look at Star and then looked at her wand " oh "she said as she placed her hand on her mouth . " look eclipsa, let me just get to the point , I lost the book of spells and glossaryck and I don't know who to get it back and I don't know how to tell my parents because I am going to be in big trouble and ..." Star was pacing back and forth and eclipsa could see Star was stressed " my dear , calm down, it's going to be alright "

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