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Nash drove me to Matts hotel I knocked on the door opened

"Hi princess"

"Hey Matt, how was your day?"

"I'm good I've been really excited to see you tonight I tried to go really fast through my m&g so I could try to pick you up but I didn't get enough time. How was the plane here babe"

"it was great I sat next to your friend Cameron"

"Cam's in LA that's good. Come in I'm going on twitter wanna come look with me on twitter"

"Matt dont look on twitter its too late at night we need to go to sleep" I though to myself he can't open his twitter because the cameron and I drama is going to be on there.

Something was happening and it wasn't right.

"Maddie tell me whats wrong or its over and your leaving"

"Matt your going to kill me and cam go ahead open your Twitter"

@________: I can't Believe matt's girlfriends and cam started kissing for the paparazzis (Photo Attachment)

"Why would you pull that Maddie I'm so done with your shit" I slapped her "get out of here and find somewhere else to stay in LA"
"MATT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SLAP ME" she said with tears in her eyes

I texted Nash

M: Hey i need you right now I don't feel good. You were right I'm so sorry.

N:Maddie I'll pick you up right away you can stay with me.

Nash arrived 10 minutes later I ran to his car im so sorry i botherd you. "Its okay I knew this was going to happen you're coming to my hotel room"

I thought to myself I have to sleep in the same bed as nash. As soon as we got in the bed things got rough and I mean really rough. It was 9am I woke up and took a shower good morning Nash "how'd you sleep?"

"good with you beautiful" I giggled he's so sweet and then I kept thinking what matt would say if he found out.

"Maddie mind telling me what happen between you two love birds?"

"Nash it's just cameron kissed me in front of the paparazzi and fans were posting it on twitter he slapped me and I left and when i came with you I felt better mostly when we were in bed together." I laughed


"I'm so sorry Maddie but I have to go here is some money. Go find yourself a place to eat and come to my hotel room when you're done I'll see you when I come back"

I ran to my car I was supper late and looked horrible I had to get to Carter, Matt and Cam we all went backstage Matt started talking "Hey Nash, do you possibly know where Maddie is because I saw you with her last night" he said harshly

"She stayed with me. Don't worry about her if you don't love her she doesn't need you to slap her" I got a call on my phone

"Hello is the Mr.Grier Maddie fainted in the middle on the street and is in the hospital she's in a really bad comma we need you here now"

Great cliff hanger next chapter in a hour too i want to update alot today

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now