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"Hey Johnson" I said
I think he knew my voice
"Hey Maddie"
"What happen between you and Marie"
"She said she dosent like me she likes the new boy in her school i have no clue who it is"
"She still goes to school suprises me"

I ran over to Gilinsky and held his hand Johnson looked at me harshly
"Aren't you dating Matt?"
"No we broke up so I came to hang out with Gilinsky is that a problem?"
"No I just wanted to know"
"I'm going to be heading home" I grabbed my phone and keys
"Bye beautiful" Gilinsky kissed my lips
"Bye Gilinsky and Johnson" I waved and left I turned my car on.

I opened my twitter I was getting a lot of hate because I wasn't dating Matt anymore
Jack was tweeting "I love you guys thanks for all the support I have good news, I hope you guys will be her through all of it." I didn't know what this was about but I drove home all I could see near my house were lights and sirens I stopped my car and ran out "WHAT HAPPEN?"

"Matthew Espinosa started a fire here he got stuck in the house we need to get him out we have a big feeling he's dead but we don't know yet if you don't mind you have to leave"

-2 Weeks after the incident-
So once and for all Matt was at the hospital he was having his knee surgery he would have to be in a wheel chair

Jack Gilinsky and I have been getting really close Jack hasn't shared the news I really want know what it is I'll support him through everything.

Jack was coming over later today him, Johnson and I are going to have a big party for Maries birthday thats why I invited them so they can help me since I just moved out I heard a knock at the door i ran downstairs its was jack and jack
"Hey Johnson and Gilinsky"
Gilinsky gave me a wink

"Hey Maddie"
"So we ready"
"Yeah give me a second to change"
I put on my skinny jeans with my ugg boots and and long sleeve shirt
"Maddie hurry I got you a suprise" Gilinsky said
"Give me a minute"
I put on make up and put my hair in a bun i ran downstairs
Gilinsky seemed to smile everytime he saw me.
"Maddie? Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Gilinsky I will be your girlfriend"
I got my car keys and my purse
"Were leaving to go get things come on"
I got in the car and started it up Gilinsky held my hand Johnson kept looking at me
I drove to the store and got a lot things for the party.

I drove back home and we started putting up decorations Gilinsky was being such a flirt
"Stop its gilinsky"
"Does Johnson hate me or something it seems like it"
"I dont know"

//3Hours Later//
The party was starting and I looked like shit the good thing is boys wouldn't be staring at me only Gilinsky I curled my hair and kept the same thing on. I walked downstairs and saw gilinsky waiting for me
"Hey baby girl" He kissed me
"Hey hottie where's Johnson?"
"He went to get something"
People were here and most of all I didn't care what happens because I was with my boyfriend.

There was like 200 people here Marie was having a good time. I knew I was about to have a good time I got on top of Jack's lap while he was on the couch I started making out with him I could feel his boner so I got off of him.
"You're hot" A guy with brown hair told me looked like hazel eyes and long eyelashes
"Thanks but i have a boyfriend" Jack pulled me next to him
"Well im Sammy" he walked away I giggled
"Am i that cute Jack?"
"Hell yeah but guess what your all mine"
Matt texted me

matt: Come to the park, I just got out of the hospital they told me I don't need surgery. I really need to see you.

Maddie: Ill try to go see you

"Jack im gunna go pick something up really fast hope you don't mine"

I kissed his cheek

I drove to the park I saw Matt sitting I thought to myself what happened?
I parked and ran to him
"Matt what happen"
"You happened I want you back"
"Matt I'm dating Jack"
I could see matt almost crying
"Have you guys you know yet?"
"No we don't have to do that to love each other" I couldn't understand how he still liked me He tried kissing my I pushed him off
"LOOK matt the only reason we broke up is because you cheated on me Jack hasn't cheated on me so stop I don't want you to be my boyfriend until you understand not to cheat on me."

I ran to my car and reversed out of the driveway and drove home I couldn't stand matt sometimes.

I parked at my house I walked in Jack and Sam were talking it didn't really matter. The smell of alcohol hurt my nose I ran up to my room and locked myself in there. I saw gilinsky looking at me from the corner of his eye
He banged on my room door I wipe my running mascara "LET ME IN MADDIE"
"Who is it"
"Gilinsky let me in princess"
i opened the door
"Come in" i locked the door behind him
"What happen Maddie"
"matt happened he tried to kiss me and get me back I pushed him away because I didn't want to cheat on you.
"Fuck him"
"Jack watch your words babe"
"Im sorry babe"


Johnson was banging on the door i opened it
"What do you want Johnson"
"I wanna go home bro"
"Johnson you can take the car home im staying with my girlfriend"
"Okay you guys have fun"
I threw the keys to him he caught them and closed the door

"Maddie i wanna get drunk"
"Go ahead Jack"
"Yeah really"
I went downstairs and grabed some beer and drunk it I was drunk I couldn't see a thing I walked back to Maddie's room and locked the door
"Fuck me babe" I said
"No Gilinsky we just got toghether"
I feel asleep and dreamed about a lot of thing but most of all that Maddies was probably going on the Jack&Jack Tour with me

I woke up at 10:56 Am Maddie was wide awake she had cleaned the whole house from the party yestarday she made me and her breakfast
She was the best girlfriend ever.
"Good morning Jack I was about to wake you up silly goose"
"Good morning Beautiful" I stared at her she was so beautiful

I had finished eating.
"Can I go take a shower"
"Yeah sure go ahead Gilinsky oh I got clothes for you if you want to wear them Idon't really care"
As soon as i was done with my shower. I put on a plain white shirt with the shorts I had onz
"You look hot in that Gilinsky"
"Haha thanks babe"
"Want me to take you home now Hotness"

"Sure" I looked at the time it was almost 1pm Johnson was gunna ask me so many questions.

She drove me home she parked at my driveway I kissed her lips and got out of the car and waved Bye.

"Sup jack"
"Hey gilinsky where's your girlfriend
"She went home"
"Okay good"
"What do you mean good"
"Beacause its time for you to meet another girl"
He startred pulling me upstairs
I had time to text maddie Gilinsky:Help
He locked me in the room with Marie I was fucking screwed. I grabbed the lamp in the room and threw it at the window the window shattered into a million pieces I jumped out and ran at this point I didn't care about a single thing but Maddie I ran to her house i knocked on the door she opened up
"Gilinsky hey babe"
"Lock the door now"
She locked the door instantly
"Look I'm so sorry I'm bothering you Johnson wants me to cheat on you and he locked me in with Marie I broke out he's looking for me baby girl"

"Gilinsky shut up" She kissed me
"I love you Hottie"
"Maddie I love you so fucking much you don't even understand baby girl"
"Gilinsky's horny but hes not getting any of this" she giggled
"Kinda baby girl but I know I'm not gunna get any of you today but you know it would be perfect today"
"Too bad Gilinsky"
"Ugh I hate you but I love you"

Im sorry if theres spelling errors I don't wanna re read it sorry

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now