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Matts POV
"Baby girl ill show you right now" I pushed her close to me and made out with her I took her sweatshirt off.

I noticed she had a cut but I ignored it I carried her to the bed and unbuckled my Belt she pulled my pants down "You wanna do this?" "yes matt but wait a minute" she opened her drawer and got a condom "Put this on first and then we can do it babe"

I pulled my boxers down and put the condom on and pulled her undies down I went in really slowly Then went a little faster I could hear her little moans "Scream my Name Maddie you're not Motivating me enough"

Her Screaming was really sexy I couldn't explain how adorable she was I got off the bed and put my clothes back on. Nash started to call me "Sorry babe I have to take this if your don't mind"

"You suck matt your girl wouldn't even scream your name like she did for me you had to ask her too that suck because I'm posting every little bit of your "Sex Tape" on youtube to screw yall over."

"What the fuck nash thats straight up fucked up you better stop Nash you little fuck nobody messes with me or my Princess i swear Nash you're screwed if you do that." I hung up Really pissed

I ran back to Maddie's room and looked through the crack on the door I saw her cutting her self and I ran in "Babe Stop don't hurt your self princess those cuts won't help you ever"I placed a kiss on them "I have to go visit Cam. Do you want to come? I don't want to leave you here alone."
"Im coming can I change first"

"yes only if you let me watch"

"You've seen enough today matt get out of here."

I waited for her outside of the door. "I'm ready matt." She was so beautiful I grabbed the keys and went outside I opened the car door for her and she went I closed the door and got into my side of the car and turned the car on. "Babe please don't cut I don't want to lose you I'm scared your my happiness, Cameron is always telling me he looks up to you, and you're basically his sister."

"Really Matthew I've always liked how nice he was but I found out something about him and I'm scared Babe he's dangerous"

"You found out he hurt people. Cameron told me about you before we met. I didn't know what you looked liked. He told me that he was the reason your parents are gone and most of all your brother."

We got the car and opened the door for Maddie she got out and held my hand.

"I feel safe around you Matthew you're the reason I haven't hurt myself for the past 3 Years it's sucks losing your family I go through everday blaming myself I was the reason my parents died no one ever found out who killed my older brother."

As we got in the hospital I looked around while Maddie asked where Cams room was "Room 306" we ran to the room "Hey Cam you feeling better?"

"No matthew I lost some of my memory I can't remember anything from 3years ago Matt i don't want to be here I know I did something wrong I'm sorry for creeping on your girlfriend she's just so beautiful, she irresistible Matthew you're lucky you have her"

"Thanks cam I hate seeing you like this, but Maddie and I have to leave sorry"
"Maddie I'm sorry for what I did forgive me"
"Cameron I have to forgive you I have to get pass this." maddie said

"Maddie your older brother isn't dead he's been living with me we're really good friends he said that he didn't want you to be upset and he wanted me to tell you he's fine"

"Thanks Cam but I don't care you've lied to me for so long I just can't deal with this I'm sorry"

"Matt just take me home"

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now