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*Friday 6:52 Am*
••Maddies P.O.V••
"Matt I'm gunna miss you so much, do you want a ride to the airport?"
"No Maddie, Nash's moms taking us sorry babe"
"Really Matt are you still mad at me Babe?"
"No I just don't want you to take me alright."
"Sorry" I placed a kiss on his lips
"Bye Maddie I love you"
"Bye Sunshine I love you too"
Matt was gone and I already missed his lips, his kisses, his cuddles, his smile, mostly everything.

Gilinsky:babe I'm coming over do you mind?

Maddie: Yes I mind don't come over I'm not going to be home I'm going with Marie.

Gilinsky: Wow first time you've rejected me Baby girl

Maddie: I don't care Gilinsky I don't need you I'm not going to be with you when I have a damn boyfriend get with it Gilinsky By the way you can come with me and Marie but no funny business Gilinsky.

Gilinsky: Okay I promise I won't do anything see you there beautiful.

Gilinsky sucks I just wanted to ditch him but I had feelings for him and i was probably going to get with him and not tell matt I was sure i wasn't going to tell matt that Gilinsky and i were going to be with each other.

I drove to the gilinskys house and picked him up he looked really damn hot.
"Hey Jack"
"Hey Maddie you look super hot"
"You do to Gilinsky"
I opened my snapchat and saw Matt posted a snapchat saying "Can't stop thinking about her"
I looked over at Jack
Then after that we got to the Mall Marie didn't wanna hang out with us only her Boyfriend Johnson.

I was looking through my instagram and looked at a picture posted by Matt with the caption as touring with this lovely girl is going to be fun. I wanted to cry but I didn't want too Jack wouldn't worry "I'm going to go to the Restroom"
I ran and checked if my mascara was running it wasn't
I ran back to Gilinsky and held his hand a fan came to us and said "OMG ITS JACK AND MADDIE OR MATTHEWS GIRLFRIEND CAN I GET I PICTURE"
"Sure" Jack said
I smiled and kept holding jacks hand the girls mom took the picture "Thank you so much"
"No problem"
Jack snd I kept going until we met up with Johnson and Marie.
"Hey"Marie said
"Hi Marie" i said
"you and jack seem to be hitting off looks like you don't need Matt" marie said
I kept silent remembering what Matt posted
"Jack come home with me I want to watch some Netflix"
"Anything for you"
"Oh Jack why can't I be with you?"
"Because your with matt"
"But he's to Far Away he must've found another girl"
"He wouldn't ever"
Jacks phone started getting spammed he took it out of his pocket and slid down his timeline. Fans were tagging him in the photo of Matt and Cathy then I knew why I wasn't saying anything about matt
"That little shits cheating on you"
"its okay jack"
"No its not Babygirl he took a girl you don't like on tour and not you but I'll show him who's boss"
We walked outside
"Jack don't worry about it"
"I wont get in your damn car"
I got to the car with jack he turned the music off and started making out with me. Fans walked by and took pictures and left all I could remember is when I was with Matt and we were coming out of some place and we started making out in the car and fangirls wouldnt shut up. We need our space too we are humans too I pulled away "Jack we need to stop"
"Okay babe"

Marie:Check your twitter there saying Jack Gilinsky was seen with a girl they don't know who it is but I already know its you Maddie you better hope Matthew doesn't find out"

Maddie:He wont find out plus if he does hes not even here so he doesn't have to be looking through my shit anymore.

I wasn't really in the mood for any Matthew drama so I drove to the place where Jack and I first kissed it was 4 hours away but it was so worth it the stars were so beautiful
"Jack these stars are so Beautiful"
"Just like you Princess"
"Jack do you still have feelings for me"
"Hell yeah who wouldn't beautiful"
"I'm sorry about that babe has he not texted you the whole day"
We ended up falling asleep all I remember is Jack driving me home he spent the night."


I honestly couldn't see Matts face after what he did to my beautiful soon to be girlfriend.

I looked at her she looked very upset. She wouldn't eat. Until one day Jack Johnson came over.

"Maddie and I ran outside it was snowing"
I told Johnson to take a picture of Maddie and I we were kissing each other I was so happy to kinda be with her since her boyfriend was gone.

I put a simple white border and posted it on Instagram Snow! photo creds to Johnson
Everyone kept commenting
"whos the girl?"
"Is that Matts girlfriend"
I didn't want anyone to know who it was I kept it a secret for a while until the girl we met at the mall posted it on twitter and everyone found out it was Maddie.
Matt tweeted "Cathy is coming over today again I love her so much"
That was fucked up after what him and Maddie have gone through.

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum