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"Jack I'm thinking on breaking up with Matt i dont want a long distance relationship plus Matt invited Cathy on tour and not me."

"Do what you want I have to go with Johnsons we have a song we have to record at the stuido"
"Can I go babe?"
"Sure Maddie but you can't say anything about you and matt"
"I wont Jack"
I got in my Pink Sweatshirt and put on some skinny jeans with boots Jack was waiting for me to come out i guess who actually like me

Matt:Babe im coming over to visit later better be there lovely

MADDIE:I might not be home I have to go somewhere

matt:Dang I'll try to see you later baby

Maddie: Really Matt you're going to call me baby when you're cheating on me

Matt:Really you think that? Cathy is my friend and she has a boyfriend already I just asked her to come touring with me because I knew you were busy and Cathy had just lost Cam and has to deal with everything.

Maddie:I dont care bye you shouldve asked me to go with you to bad now.

I ran and hugged Gilinsky tightly
"Your ready baby girl"
"Yeah Jack i.. Like you.."
Everything became really silent did I make a mistake I shouldn't have told Jack
"Really because i do too"
i smiled Jack is such a good friend
"Umm the only thing getting in our way is Matt"
"Its fine we dont have to date we can be friends with benefits"
Jack drove to the studio i was wating for him

Finally I'm back home I wanted to see Maddie again I knocked on the house door she wasn't home I got really upset until I looked at my twitter Jack tweeted "At the studio with Jack Johnson we have up coming suprises for you guys."

A car droped her off i looked at the car the boy with her I couldn't seem to recognize his face but he kissed her and left she walked towards me.

"Hey Maddie"
"Umm.. Hi Matt"
"Who brought you home"
"Really none of your business Matt you treat me like I'm nothing, its stupid"
"Babe ill repay you. Don't you know I love you"
"Matt you don't love me you're always with Cathy now what about us what happen to us?"
"Cathy wanted us to get to know each other a little more okay but I didn't want to invite you because I figured you've had enough of me"
"Matt thats not the case I thought I loved you but guess what all the love you pretended had me going crazy in love with you until I found out who you actually are"

"Sorry babe" i kissed her lips remembering all the memories we had
"I forgive you again Espinosa but I don't think its going be the same."
Cathy started texting me like crazy
Cathy:Matt come over
Cathy:Matt i need you
Cathy:Hurry come over my boyfriends not here
Cathy:Matthew Lee Espinosa
Im about to hurt you
Cathy:Matt were done you little shit
Cathy:I hate you and your stupid girlfriend
I had to ignore her

I already knew Maddie hated her shes been getting on my nerves she thinks I'm all her's she doesn't let me go with fans everything is about her.

"Yes Matt?"
"I think we should take our separate ways sorry"
"me too matt I don't think this is going to work out"
I didn't want to break up with her but she's been hanging out with Gilinsky so I had to guess tour will be a little more fun being single.
I saw her grab her phone and she anwsered
"Hey Jack I'm coming over"
I couldn't really hear what Jack said but I texted Cathy saying
matt:Your not coming on tour with me anymore your annoying and I dont have a girlfriend.
I went to nashs house because he was taking me to the airport again

I stoped by to go get Jack and I some food and drinks I drove over to jacks I tried not to cry about the Matt thing it seemed to bother me
"Hey Jack"
"Beautiful Hey I thought you were with Matt."
"Matt we're not dating anymore"
I felt like a bitch because me and Matt just broke up and im already with another boy I was moving out to my other house in a few days so me and Jacob could see eachother a little more.
Jack took me upstairs to his room and opened up his laptop and put on Netflix he locked the door because Johnson was living with Jack since they are best friends I saw Gilinsky open up his phone and open up snapchat and took a picture of me with the caption With my one and only I smiled
"Gilinsky you're a cutie babe"
"Im sorry Maddie for being so cute but you forgot your the cutest"
I giggled We fell asleep Johnson knocked on Gilinskys door Jack woke up
"Whats up Johnson"
"Nothing just came to check on you" I saw Johnson staring at me in Jacks room
"Jack is that your girlfriend"
"No Johnson just a friend shh"

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz