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I was on my way home I had a great night but I really wasn't with Marie I was with Jack because we went to a concert toghether and I had to get Matt out of my head i walked in the house and shouted "Matt you home babe"
No response "Matthew stop playing around my dinosaur"

I texted Nash

Maddie: Hey nash wheres Matthew he was with you last night right

Nash: Matthew he's in the hospital I don't think you've heard he got in a terrible wreck and hes in a bad condition they won't let see him unless you're something family.

Maddie: MATTHEW wrecked Nash please tell me he's going to be okay I feel so bad he's my one and only.

Nash:Maybe you should go check on him they'll let you in

I drove to the hospital I parked and got out of my car I asked the lady at front "Where's Matthew Espinosa?"
"Sorry ma'am you can't see him"
I had to lie at this point
"Im his Fiãnce let me see him please"
"Okay last room to the left"
Opening the door I saw matt all bruised up with a bloody nose I couldn't help myself I started crying

"I'm okay maddie I'm sorry I got drunk with nash last night I had to get things off my mind"
"Matthew I'm so sorry about last night I just dont want us to move into this relationship so quickly."
"Princess, I know I love you come lay with me I need a cuddle babe I'm so cold and no ones allowed to see me I'm so suprised the let you in"
I layed next to Matt and he kissed me I don't understand how anybody hate him. I felt so bad so i had to give up going to college because of Cam passing away and Matt and I living with each other the nurse walked in "Mrs.Espinosa can you leave for a few minutes we have to talk to matt."

I walked out and listend to everything she said "Matthew your really injured and were afraid to tell you we have to do surgery on your knee"
I saw the nurse walk out and went back with Matt "Im sorry"
"About what babe"
"I didn't go with Marie last night I was with jack I'm so sorry"
"its fine princess unless you guys didn't do anything bad"
"We didnt Matt but remember that time we did you know what well I sorta gave you the broken condom and I forgot that one day I got mad ripped a lot of my things, and I have to tell you something I'm pregnant with our first child"
"Maddie I'm really excited but why would you ever give me that then"
"Matt I'm so sorry I forgot and plus I've always wanted to start a family but with you"
"Maddie I love you so much" he kissed me again and the nurse came in and inturpted us "Matthew your surgery is in a week your allowed to go home"
"Umm excuse you did you ever learn how to knock what if we were talking about something private"
"I come in when I want Mrs.Espinosa and watch out theres fans outside waiting for Matt you guys better run"
"we will" I carried matt out of the hospital because he couldn't walk at the moment I put him in my car and ran to the driver seat I locked the doors "Matt sorry I know we're too young to have a family babe but I'm scared this is my second child I just don't want to think about her anymore matt" Matt Put his lips on mine and we started making out fans were outside taking pictures of us I ignored it because I was kissing my world.


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