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I drove really far away the rainy night took me away I didn't want to think about anyone at the moment I never wanted to go back I never want to see the old me where I was never happy my past was complete hell why did I go through all this? Everything happens for a reason no I hated that I wanted to be happy again I hated the scars on my wrist.

I wanted Matt I don't know why my mind kept saying Jack was better when I knew he wasnt. I was only with him to make Jenna happy. I knew that one day Jack and I would only be friends what happen months ago was something that changed me.

I looked at the picture of me Jack and Jenna. I wanna be as happy as I was in that picture. Jenna mumbled "Mom why aren't we as happy as that right now I wanna be a family again"
"Jenna,I don't think we are going to be a family again."
"Why?" I could hear her voice crack
"Jack doesn't want us anymore babygirl I think its time to let Jack go."

The radio suddenly says "Jack and Jacks new hit Like that ft Skate is playing next"

"Mommy that's Daddy!"
"Sure whatever"
I didnt even care this is the last people would hear about Jack its his time he wasted it on me and now its his time.
"Jenna Its time we move from here"
I texted Gilinsky one more time
Maddie:Gilinsky Hope you had fun I love you and I know this is my last goodbye because I'm not aloud to see you and one day ill be there to see you.
"I don't wanna move mommy."
"Were moving to North Carolina in a few days honey Nash has a lovely sister almost your age you guys would get along so well"
"First we see daddy"
I drove to the hospital it was really rainy I could barley see.

I parked in the parking lot getting Jenna out. I walked in ran to the desk
"Jack Gilinsky?"
"No one is aloud to see him"
"Please I'm his wife and this is his daughter"
"Fine, second floor third room to the right."
I walked to his room holding Jennas hand.
I walked in his room.
"Maddie, Jenna" he said as his voice craked
"Hi Jack"
"Maddie I'm going to be okay don't worry about me Ill probably be in rehab for a bit but it doesn't matter"
"Jack, I didnt worry Jenna did and you deserve to be in rehab you need to realize that was a bad influence to your daughter this is why we broke up and this is why me and Jenna are moving far away because your going to screw up our lives"
"Im sorry go ahead and leave I know I messed up but I'm human too and I mess up I'm not flawless"
I walked out of the room.

-one month later-
Lets just say thats the last time we heard about Gilinsky.

I got the moving boxes out of the U-Haul putting everything inside. North Carolina was such a beautiful place.

I looked at my phone a text from Nash.

Nash: I heard you were in North Carolina better come visit me.

Maddie: I will once I get settled

Nash: Want me to come help you?

Maddie: If you want that would help me so much.

Nash: Hayes is coming to help ill see you later.

*30Minutes later*
Nash and Hayes were so much help which was good I did need alot of help but they had a flight to LA so they had to leave.

Matt texted me a few minutes later
Matt:you and me beach in NC later?

Maddie:Sure Ill get a babysitter.

Okay, Bye :)

Far Away-(Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now