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With Zim, Lard Nar, Dib, and Gaz

The Irken, Vortian, and two humans exit the small transport ship, getting beamed down to the surface of Conventia, Irks convention planet. 

Dib was in awe, staring wide eyed at the large planet he was on. 

Zim rolled his eyes at the black haired human.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it” said Zim, strolling down the street. 

Looking at the signs on the different convention halls, Zim perked up when he found the correct hall the gathering as being held in. 

Zim turned and gestured to the three other Heroes of Irk that he found it. 

Walking in, the four stopped and looked at the large gathering of different alien species that were currently inside, mingling amongst one another. 

Some species Zim was able to recognize, such as the Meekrob, the Slaughtering Rat People, the Nhar-Gh’ock, the Screwheads, the Dooxisis, the Gasquiggasplorch, the Gellaxis, the Hobos, the Inquisitorians, the Large Nostril People, the Planet Jackers, the Plookesians, the Skinbagsis, and a lot of aliens Zim didn’t recognize. 

Overall, each alien leader had their planets General, head scientist, and ambassador, making the total number of aliens attending the gathering 820, plus the Invaders making it 852, plus the five Heroes of Irk, making the total headcount 857. 

Zim had decided to keep Gir and Minimoose back on Earth, just in case the SIR unit does something terrible that would ruin the gathering. Tallest Purple had been working so hard lately, considering he wants the Invaders making peace with the planets instead of destroying them. In hindsight, some of the Invaders don’t like the idea of making peace instead of destroying and killing, but they’re too scared to make the Purple clad Tallest sad. He has so much hope put into leading the way Tallest Miyuki would have, he often forgets to think as himself, and not the former Tallest. 

Shaking his head, Zim walked forward, standing up straight to make himself seem taller. Dib, Gaz, and Lard Nar followed quickly behind, the latter of the three hesitant and slightly on edge. The three escapees could be here, and he wouldn’t even know it. 

The crowd looked down at the four and gasped, parting to let them through so they could get to the front. 

“Wow, we sure are getting special treatment” said Dib, whispering quietly. 

“Yes, to be honest we ARE Heroes of Irk, the first five to be exact. The honor is new afterall” said Zim, humming in acknowledgement

“It’s weird being the only human here” said Dib, looking up at the (mostly) tall aliens. 

Gaz rolled her eyes an scoffed. 

“To be fair Dib, they think me and you ARE aliens too since they’ve never seen us. Have you ever thought of THAT? Huh? Have you ever thought that maybe WE’RE aliens too? To these aliens, we’re just another unknown species to them, so yes, we’re considering aliens” said Gaz, crossing her arms and turning her head away from her brother in disgust. 

Dib was shocked, his mouth hanging open.

“I….ok now that you’ve put it THAT way, I guess you’re right! Man, I was a REAL big jerk back then” said Dib, now thinking back on all the things he said about aliens. 

Was Dib really THAT self centered, seeing humans as the superior species, when in reality, that honor went to the stronger species. 

That honor had to go to the Irken/Vortian empire. 

Invader Zim 》Not Just a Defect 《Where stories live. Discover now