397 17 27

Date finished: 11/12/19

Another day at work, is another day to roll my eyes at the clerk. 

Oh, they said it would be fun to join the company where your ex best friend is the CEO and all you needed was a job to pay the bills. Also, all your other ex-friends hate you because you made poor life decisions to pursue a career in singing and accidently did something to harm your family's name. 

Now all they are doing is making me regret even begging for a job in the first place. 

Yet I needed the money otherwise I might as well be thrown into the streets and return back to Daegu to face disappointment. 

A sly gaze met mine as I glared at the woman with the cold face who shook her head in disapproval. She was so small compared to me, but I did secretly fear her without stating so. 

It's really tiring sitting in the front desk to check if all the other employees entered in, and she silently gave me her id as I did the usual data base checking and nodded for her to continue on. 

Yet this time, she did something way more curious than usual. 

"Hello V!" She had a serious tone which I tried toning out as I pushed the ID card further to her. Her nails scratched mine as she took it but still remained there calling my name impatiently. 

"Look here hoobae scum, tomorrow there is going to be a huge interview check where future employees will come and they won't have an ID. They are already given a number, so all you have to do is ask and type on the computer to see if they are properly registered with the right name!" The she-devil had a fierce look which could tear me into shreds but I kept my cool and just muttered a "whatever" before continuing to play games on the computer. 

Most of the time, nobody came into the office after ten, but there was still people coming in regardless of that. 

The she-devil still appeared to be in front of me as she didn't bother to move. 

"It's a pity that your friend, Namjoon allowed you to work at the front desk. I thought you were one of those charming guys, but the only thing charming is your visuals." Her words cut like knives to me because I hated being called nothing but a handsome face. Sure I made a lot of bad mistakes but I am trying to change. 

"And the only thing charming about you is your annoying habit to try to put me down. Nice try, Ms.Bae. Or should I say the world's oldest bachelorette." I snickered before the she-devil gave me a nasty glare. She hated being called old since she hadn't gotten married for everyone thought she was still a college student. The curse of youthful beauty is that it gives a disillusion before the guys retreat once knowing her age. 

"I try telling Namjoon so many times that he has the most incompetent front desk secretary, but no it's a minor thing, Irene. It's not like it's a hoobae who doesn't show the slightest respect to his sunbaes!" She had her annoying voice trying to taunt me as usual for the she-devil. Besides I learned how to tune annoying woman out of my ears. 

When she finally left, a ding came out of my door tracker to see who it was. I pressed the scanner which reported that the guy had no weapons on them, and I let them pass in as well. 

Actually I was shocked who came up, because never in a million years would I have thought-

"Hey, long time no see." 

"I'll hang on the cliff for you! My love for you is beyond my days. Remember that I'll stay for more, if you love me more." 

Jennie won't be significant until later on, but you'll see interactions with them!

This chapter is actually important but won't appear to until later! 

That's the end until the next update, goodbye for meow,


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