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A couple days had passed since I last saw Jimin but the man had been texting me nonstop about so many things that Yoongi threatened to break my phone if it dinged in the middle of the night again during days where he would sleep at night. 

He traveled a lot and requested that he take me to Paris, a place I often told him that I wanted to see. Of course I wanted to attend a fashion show or take photos of different places where I love to explore their beauties. I haven't even went to Jeju Island, so those dreams are crushed until next week when Jennie and I are going to the Kim Hotels. Despite winning over a couple months ago, the hotel is booked for a long time until they found the first available spot four months later. 

I decided to bring Yoongi which he happily obliged since he thought he deserved a vacation when he heard the amenities were free. Jennie told me that it would be fine if she gave up her tickets to invite more people for me, but I declined since I had a feeling that Jennie and her child would enjoy the getaway. 

For some reason, I wanted to walk to the park, so I strolled along until I sat on a bench to see the wonderful park being used by children and adults. I recalled playing my saxophone in this very place and not earning enough to make ends meet. Then I saw Jennie with her daughter and another woman with a girl slightly older than Jennie's daughter to make her a sibling of her friend. I could have possibly been the one to interrupt their morning picnic but Jennie's little daughter, Ruby saw me and ran up to hug me. One of the first things in my mind is how Jennie didn't the teach the girl to be self aware that he could be a stranger but she later explained that she had a picture of us winning the award which she recognized. I had a strange feeling that isn't the only case. 

I could only return the hug until I saw Jennie, her friend, and her friend's sister look at me in astonishment before Ruby began grinning something mischievous. It reminded me when my younger siblings loved to use when they had an evil plan coming around. 

"Mommy, it's Mr.V! I didn't know you invited him to our picnic!" Ruby's eyes showed innocence but had a mastermind plan in her head. She told me later that Jennie fell in love with me the moment I acted as her pretend husband for about an hour. Of course I didn't know it at the time and thought my feelings felt more one-sided. 

"Mr.V? More like Mr.asjbfjkdnjf!"Her friend tried talking through Jennie's hand that blocked her friend's mouth from embarrassment perhaps. Jennie's cheeks flushed red as she apologized for her friend's behavior. 

"I am Jisoo, practically Jennie's best friend and this is my little sister, Lia who is totally the second most beautiful girl after me!" Her friend seemed to cocky for my liking but she would definitely fit in the circle with Jin, who seemed equally cocky in his job and private life. Lia seemed younger but actually was 19 despite her age not showing at all. I believed it would be the power of makeup hiding her face, but even I grew shocked when Jisoo mentioned she was 25 for someone who looked 20. 

"Hopefully we didn't disturb you V! I look forward to see you at work tomorrow! Also for the prize from a couple months back, I decided against bringing Ruby since she's young and I heard there's a casino. So I'll bring another friend while Ruby will stay with my horrible friend, Jisoo." Jennie playfully punched her friend which earned a glare from Jisoo who bragged that it is her humble efforts of her pushing her friend to get something sticky. Thankfully Ruby interpreted it as a lollipop but still made it worst as Lia decided to play around with Ruby in the park. I also made an excuse that I wanted to go to see the gazebo to see who is playing. I head a faint guitar noise and wanted to perhaps lift the spirits of the player. 

The most surprising thing is that is Jungkook who attracted a fair crowd with his skills as he sang Paper Hearts, his favorite song besides anything IU. He felt mesmerized as he felt the soothing wave from Jungkook's music which swayed him emotionally. Perhaps its also because he seen Jimin and did had that one dream where they all reunited to form a kpop group called something that he couldn't remember. No more dreams like that came back afterwards. 

I closed my eyes to listen to the melody yet it appeared to be that time that Jungkook found me but didn't change his expressions drastically. He had a smile etched on his face as I opened them to fetch a couple won into his case. His hands grabbed it to put it back into my hands as he simply just played for recognition. 

"Thanks Tae, but you need it more than me. We should meet up with the others again!" Jungkook tried appearing less hostile than he previous was in our first encounter, but I knew that his mom probably convinced him to behave and reunite our friendship. It seemed genuine but I nodded as he held his phone for me to type in his digits. 

Then of course the next day, I became in a group chat known as JTJ for Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook of course. The only reason Namjoon couldn't be in it is that he himself distanced away from anyone and it appeared that he only seen me is the only one he saw more often than his old friends. 

Nevertheless, I had a weekend to look forward to with Yoongi, Jennie and her friend. 

Let's just say that it's shenanigans sealed with a kiss. 

Sorry but thanks for 1k y'll!

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