grocery store

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And as usual, Yoongi forgets to buy food and other necessities from the store he works at with a discount. Thankfully the manager and the staff know me well enough that I room with the most inconsiderate roommate. Even though it wasn't the biggest retail store, it was bigger than the farmer's market where I used to help sell crops to others. 

I first headed towards the vegetables and fruits aisle to make sure I get all the healthy items first before going over the budget on sweets. We hadn't invested our money on such frivolous items since earlier this year. Perhaps when Christmas comes, we can trade his booze for a nice store made cake, but like that's going to happen. 

Some people don't realize that the price usually jumps at me at a first glance rather than the quality of the item. As a farmer, I know that many harmful chemicals can be put onto these innocent healthy greens. I picked a couple greens to make simple dishes like kimchi before heading towards the cup noodles section to buy the limit of which the coupon allowed me to. 

"Hello sunbae!" A familiar voice rang out as I recognized the woman who was late to her interview, but still managed to be an employee. It felt strange to see her in such casual attire, especially since she looked like she dressed like a college student. 

"Hey, Jennie! We don't have to speak so formally outside of work." I reply as I scanned for the right cheap cup noodles to buy which could last for a month or two at the most. She looked at me curiously before noting the unhealthy amount of cup noodles stacked in my basket. 

"In that case, V, why are you buying so much of this? These are very unhealthy for your body!" She scolded me like my mother when I asked her if I could buy items that I knew that could hurt me in the long term. However I cannot count being healthy as my first priority. 

"It's all I can afford." A statement that I regretted to say as she stopped my hand from picking another cup noodle box. She had a fierce looked that reminded me of mine, but I didn't want to lose to someone who thought they were better than me. 

"Stop, I am going to pay for more healthier options. In fact if you can't afford it, I'll pay for it." Jennie boldly proclaimed as I shook my head to refuse her offer. I can't repay kind gestures because I am barely surviving to help pay for most of my bills and Yoongi's. 

"It's really fine, Jennie-ah." I almost went into the next direction before I became dragged to the vegetable aisle by a strong force. I tried resisting her pull, but I couldn't as I already knew my muscles grew weaker as I didn't have time to properly strengthen my upper body. She took my basket and replaced it with her's as she asked me which greens and fruits I preferred. 

I replied with cheap items, but I couldn't help lingering around the more expensive ones. In return, Jennie picked those with a grin before telling me it was time for us to checkout. 

While we are checking out, Yoongi's fellow co-worker, Suran began engaging in a conversation with us. She began embarrassing me as she assumed we are dating which isn't the case at all. I had to explain we are colleagues and she began her speech about how we totally matched the other perfectly. Then I found the perfect knot to leave Suran tongue-tied for sure. 

"I think you and Yoongi suit each other better." Needless to say, her face went into a shade deeper than the ripe tomatoes that Jennie just bought me. I led her to my bike which had a basket in the front to carry items. She tried getting me into putting my bike in her car so it would be easier to transport items, but I told her she could drop them by my apartment. 

When we both reached the nearby apartment, she had a state of shock as if she hadn't witnessed poverty at its finest. Truth be told, Yoongi and I resided in a much safer neighborhood than most unfortunate souls. 

She helped place the items in the kitchen as I apologized for the studio not being tidy. I think she acted a bit more different after realizing the state where I am at the moment. Thankfully she didn't say anything about my lifestyle and was really polite. 

We had two cups of tea and we talked about other things which made me feel this warmth inside of me. 

Before she left, she smiled. 

It is something extraordinary that I couldn't explain. 

Like those smiles that pass by, but this time in a more genuine way. 

AN: Hows quarantine treating you? I didn't get any votes recently so I want to ask if the story is boring anybody? Plot twists aren't going to happen soon but I want to know if people dislike it?

Thanks for reading if you are silent!

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