meet new people

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AN: Please Stream Neo Zone and Map of the Soul:7 because they both are beautiful full albums that deserve a lot of love. Now don't let me go on a rant about how I love every song so far in Neo Zone because they are my ultimate...sorry Blackpink and BTS but you guys brought me into something that I cannot be bored of! Also enjoy Jungwoo and my horrible editing skills to deface our precious Snoopy. 

As the usual as I enter the office as one of the first earliest batch of employees, my friends come and decide to hang out until seven am. 

Sana joined first with her colleague, J- something and I checked her in while Sana began ratting out her problems of the day. 

"So then some rude chick called me some anime flytrap which instantly boiled my skin! Thankfully Vice-President, Jihyo caught that woman in the act! I swear that I would have cursed her, but then I remembered that this is my favorite job." She continued rambling on as Sicheng held a guy's arm who looked vaguely familiar. 

"Yuta!" Sana screamed as she ran into the man's arms and Sicheng immediately avoided the two as the woman began her clingy talk about something in Japanese. It's really hard not to dislike Sana because she is a favorite among the staff for her random cute statements or for helping them. 

"Aw are we having a hug fest!" Wendy began hugging Sicheng which made Yuta sneered at their direction. Yep, they are totally not dating according to him. 

"Well our time is up soon, and Yuta, you can meet your boyfriend during lunch!" Sana teased the slightly blushing Yuta who left in a hurry to perhaps catch the bus. 

"Well good luck, V!" They all shared their farewells before I anticipated the small group of the new employees that were hired from last week. 

However one of them struck my eye as...Jennie Kim, or also known as the girl who couldn't keep track of the time for the interview. Her visuals looked much more different from her diploma picture that was attached to her resume that I kind of accidentally peered through. She had a more matured look with three other people behind her with eager looks on their faces. Perhaps Irene told them that they had to arrive at 7, when in reality it was just for the lower staff. They all looked like they would have higher positions so they would arrive around 9. 

"I am Chou Tzuyu, and it's nice to meet you again, sunbae!" The youngest squeaked as she began to walk back towards Jennie as I showed my "fierce" face. Honestly I didn't look so happy this early in the day. The other two were males who I seemed to recall as Daniel and Jungwoo who both looked scared of me. They probably thought I was spying on them and would later report to my head about their misdemeanors. Well that's what Wendy thought initially but realized I was inferior to her level, but nonetheless, she still stayed by my side as someone who is willing to listen your problems. 

"I am Kim Jennie! I was kind of-" 

I cut her off by stating, "late. Now you guys are earlier than most employees, so I suggest that you stay put in your divisions or go out for breakfast. I'll always be here to admit you in whenever you guys arrive." That sickly statement was brought to you by the following: she-devil. Even when she didn't arrive, I could think of slowly finding ways to finally bring her into ruins.

"We could always talk to friend says you have been lonely by yourself in the front." Jungwoo appeared innocent as he asked me that question in a more questionable tone as I didn't understand what he meant by "friend" told him. Sana is ruled out as she never mention his name, Wendy is shy so she wouldn't socialize with this kind of guy, and Sicheng barely has any other Korean friends, so who is this insider? Actually it happened to be Sicheng being friends with him and I couldn't tell that they would have been good friends as I didn't realize that my good friend knew a lot of people. 

"You don't need to, I don't care what you do-" 

"Ok, you cut me off first so I'll cut you off too! Irene told us about you and we think we can help you be more cheery!" Her face brighten into a fake desperate smile, but I don't fall for those any more since her. My life consists of rejection of hope which runs in cycles that never end but I think they stopped now. 

"How about a coffee break?" Daniel suggested before I reconsidered the thought. If I made it back on time, most of the employees will arrive after me. I think the desk will be fine with the security lock scan only used by top employees. 

"I'll take the offer but I'll have to be back in less than an hour," I proclaimed as they walked with me to the entrance until they all stared at me in perfect unison. Then I realized they didn't know the nearest coffee shop was, and that is why they called me to come with them. 

"We could go to Halmoni's Delights." I walked ahead of them to show my favorite less crowded space where mostly elderly would come with their grandchildren. I loved this cafe for it's spectacular coffee that I might need if I wanted to play video games again tonight. My roommate wanted to play a couple of games for his day off. 

"Welcome to Halmoni's Delights, and it's on the house since Taehyungie finally brought new customers!" Mrs.Kang smiled as she pointed towards my favorite spot yet I almost flinched when she called me by my real name. However they were too distracted with the delight of food, so they didn't quite catch the name. I don't want to go by that name again. 

We began some small talk about stuff going around us and they were careful not to mention work at all. When my alarm rang, we returned back to the office before the main branch came in. It brought a smile to my face when I checked in the others and even the she-devil weirdly looked at the change from the usual cold face. 

I wished I could have friends like them again, but I cannot reconnect with people who once loved me a long time ago. 

Should I forgive them now since I've learned so much from her. 

Damn I wanted to split this chapter since it's 1000 words but I cannot as I wrote this five months back and I don't think I can cut it in half. I am taking a mini break on writing the second part because I written a lot of chapters which are being update two times a week which means I need to think of writing extras soon as I might be depleted by the Middle of May and I cannot write anything after this month since I need to focus on important things by April like SAT, AP, finals, college applications, studying ahead of time, and myself + my family. 

Next Update: Friday

Neo Zone "Kick It" MV will release in two days *faints*

So with that being stated, 

goodbye for meow,


Smiles Pass By [Taennie]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя