new job

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Sometimes I wonder how I landed myself in strange situations like how I became a trainee. I often try to forget that stage of my life but it kept coming back during small incidents. The day when I left Jennie and her daughter to do whatever they pleased after that encounter with her ex-boyfriend, I happened to finally recognize the guy as someone who tried applying to Bangtan during my first couple months of entering. The company is rather famous but it has a rigorous way of accepting employees with the exception of my employment being Namjoon's gratitude.

It's been about three or four years, but I remember encountering Namjoon that day when I finally let go of singing for good because I had a stable job.

I was at the park singing my heart out with hopes that somebody would drop some money in my small hat while casually playing the saxophone that I selfishly took since I had a passion for the beautiful instrument. After playing for awhile and only earning not more than 100 won, I decided to rest before a mysterious guy in uncomfortable clothing for summer appeared in front of me. I knew padding coats is a trend but who would want to wear it on South Korea's hottest days of the year.

"I thought I wouldn't see in a long time, Taehyung," the voice told me before my expression became flabbergasted since I didn't quite understand how somebody could possibly recognize me. His mask revealed his true identity which made my eyes bulge as I traced the familiar outline of Namjoon's body with his dimples making him look more handsome than he used to be in high school. He held some cash out into the hat which I refused since I didn't want help from an old friend and he didn't do anything to severely harm me. 

"Nice to see you, Namjoon-hyung," I replied giving him some respect which made his smie turn into a nice grin that suited his face very well. He then proceeded to fight a small game where I would keep refusing the wad of cash until he shoved a card in front of my face. It appeared to be his hiring card and he promised that I'll get an easy job that'll pay well. After a couple days and a bit of Yoongi's persuasion, I called Namjoon and got a job that helped pay for a slightly better apartment and stable income. All I had to do was scan employees in as an extra defense in case some people tried to bypass the system by hacking into the security checks. 

Of course I did gloss over the fact I had to paperwork to keep track of all the employees to make sure nobody seemed too suspicious or took too many vacations since it is a big company. Otherwise, a fairly easy job that pays more than what's worth these days. 

Sorry I didn't update but school is there and I have to apply for universities :( Any tips on the SAT or college apps will be appreciated. 

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