∆ 37. MY HYUNG ∆

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We made love. Hyung and I did it and I can fucking remember every bit of it and now he is beside me and I know that I could give up everything to have this sight beside me everyday.

Seeing my hyung peacefully sleeping and laying his head in my chest while I wrap my arms around him would be added to my most favorite memories of him in my brain.

It's been about and hour or two since he slept and the sun outside is slowly setting giving me the right amount of light to see his face vividly.

I was admiring his features when he stirred a bit and slowly wakes up. He rubbed his eyes and lifted his head before looking at me.

"What time is it?"

I checked my phone and it says 5:45 p.m.

"Hyung it's 5:45. You can still sleep. I'll wake you up for dinner."

He nodded his head and grabbed his phone.

"But before I sleep again I'll check on Yoongi."


He called Yoongi. He didn't bothered putting in clothes first considering were still both bare naked under the sheets.

Not one minute passed and Yoongi's face appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Yoongs!" Jin greeted him. I squeezed myself in and waved at him too.

"Hi, hyung!" I smiled at him while waving.

"I knew it! You fucked each other!"

He laughed at the screen and Jin hyung's ears turned red.

"Yoongi ..." Jin hyung said. He doesn't know what to say for sure and I can't help but form a smile as he continue to talk to him.

"Oh, don't bother explaining Jin. I knew it awhile ago! I texted you a bunch of messages and you didn't answered me and as to what I'm seeing now, I can see that you've enjoyed your time well. Now, tell me hyung, what does it feel like to get some dick after almost a decade?"

"YOONGI! SHUT UP!" Jin hyung ended the call and throw his phone on the bed.

"Why can't Yoongi shut his mouth? Does he need to say that loud? Oh my god! And I'm stupid not to wear at least a shirt before calling him!"

He face palmed and smacked his head.

"Hyung, it's okay. Don't bother much. He would understand." I tried to assure him but I can't help myself not to laugh at his state.

His phone beeped and he got up to check who is it.

"Argh! Yoongi is getting in my nerves!"

He went back on laying in my chest and stared at his phone.

"What is it? What did he say?"

"Nothing. It's nonsense." He responded quickly.

I grabbed his phone from him and read Yoongi's message.

'I told Beomgyu that you are with his Dad making another baby. He said he wants three more brother o sisters so please be quick to give him one.'

I laughed at Yoongi's text and Jin hyung hits my chest.

"Aren't you ashamed of him!? He's too much."

"Nah, it's okay. He's right anyway. We need to act quick and give Beomgyu what he wants. I don't want my son waiting."

I hovered over him and used my elbows for support to look at his face who is now in shock.

"What are you doing!? Get off me!"

"Don't wanna." I teased him.

"I swear to god Taehyung! My ass hurts and I'm hungry! We need to go back the hospital and take care of Beomgyu, so please let me rest a bit."

"I thought you texted Yoongi that you'll spend the night with me?"

"Yes, but it's still early. I don't like being away with Beomgyu for too long."

I can see his face fill with worry at the mention of our son.

"It's going to be okay hyung. The operation is a success he just needs to heal."

"I know, bit still ... "

"Yes hyung, I know. We'll go back there tonight okay? Just rest first. I'll wake you up and we'll eat and go back there."

He smiled and I can see how relieved he was when he is sure that we will be seeing our son again.

"Thank you, Taehyungie."

I kissed his lips before speaking again, "You're a great parent, hyung. Thank you for loving my son enough for the both of us when I was absent and not fulfilling my duties as his father."

"I would do anything for him Taehyungie. I would do anything for the both of you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, hyung."

Fluff. Lol I'll be back after some days, I think. Please wait for meee.

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