Marvel studios' Captain Marvel 2019

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I have seen this with Josh when it first came out. I originally wanted to see it with my best buddy Christian for Best Buddies because I felt under pressure that I had to hang out with him outside of school because I was apart of Best Buddies. I talked to the teacher about it and because he doesn't have a cellphone and he lives in Peabody (I can't drive and neither can he) we had to go into a separate room away from everyone to watch a movie. He showed me the website he uses to watch movies that are still in theaters so we started to watch Captain Marvel but because music class started he wanted to join so we stop watching it and I really wanted to see it so I can watch the whole thing. Josh and I found a way to see it before it stop playing in theater. I really wanted to see that movie because she's a woman and she's good for women empowerment.

You should defiantly watch this before you watch Avengers: Endgame because this is when we first met Captain Marvel and she is added into endgame. Also it says at the end of the movie "continue on Avengers: Endgame" for views to know. 

The next category will be Star Wars again. The next movie I am going to review is Attack of the Clones episode 2.  

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