X-Men: Apocalypse 2016 (Marvel)

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This is the first X-Men I watched. It's about a group of people call "X-Men" and saving the world. In this one it was about an upcoming Apocalypse and the 4 horsemen. I guess it's in the bible but I never knew it from that. From watching Charmed there was an episode with the 4 horsemen and shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Supernatural would have the heros fight and save the world from the Apocalypse. Those are the shows I watch. Another great show I watch is American Horror Story and one of it's seasons was called "Apocalypse." It's when the characters from Murder House and Coven meet making it one epic season. I started watching with no idea of what X-Men is about and by the end of the movie I understand it. During the movie I really enjoyed it. I love the concept since I do love shows with this kind of theme. They are all mutants with powers some of them have a hard time controlling but had to control them when going against the 4 horse men and stopping the Apocalypse saving the world. This was really good and Even Peters who is in every season of American Horror Story is in this too. I recognized his creepy but cute face. I can't wait to watch other X-Men movies and get even more into Marvel. 

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