Mulan 1998 (Disney)

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Happy Chinese New Year! It is now the year of the rat! My year. So I decided I will watch stuff that might have to do with China and Chinese culture or a show that has a couple of episodes celebrating Chinese New Year. (Yes I am talking about Andi Mack but I will watch that after I am done with these review. This review is about Mulan). I love Mulan. She isn't a princess even though she is part of the Disney Princesses collection and people like to call her a princess. She is not. She was not born as a princess or married a prince so she doesn't have that princess status. With that being said I do love this movie and how it shows girls that they can do anything boys can do. Even to join the army and fight for your country. I can't wait for the life action coming out in March. I hope it will not be a disappointment. I love Chinese musics and language and culture. I think it's all beautiful. Mulan decided to go in disguise as a man to fight in the imperial army in her father's place. There are good songs like Reflection, I'll make a man out of you, and Girl worth fighting for. She had help with her trusty side kick Mushu voiced by Eddie Murphy. Everyone found out that she is a woman and kicked her out of the army but then Mulan realized there was still danger so she went back to them. She as well as General Shane and the three solider guys helped and fought the Hans and saved China.  

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