Freaky Friday 1977 (Disney) Happy Mother's Day 5/10/20

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Last year Disney Channel had a remake of Freaky Friday. Before I have seen the Lindsey Lohan one. I thought that was the original. My mom told me that it wasn't and actually there was a Freaky Friday movie that came out before. We have this thing on Vudu which is an app on the TV to watch movies. Sometimes you would have to pay to rent the movie or to buy like what you would do on YouTube or sometimes you could watch a movie for free. My mom wanted me to see the 1977 version of Freaky Friday. She said it's the best one because it's the original. 

By watching it I could already see some differences. The girl who is a tomboy is 13 in this one. I remember the Lindsey Lohan one she was 16. Same with the new remake. It happen on Friday the 13th when the mother and the daughter wished to spend the day as each other but instead of waking up in each other bed realizing they switched bodies, they  literally switched bodies over the phone. It  is a weird  movie but I enjoyed it.By the end they switched back and learned to appreciate  each other more. Then the father and the son got into something and wished they would switched bodies. Of course that didn't  happen since the movie ends but it makes me feel like there should be a sequal of this version to see what would happen if the father and son switched bodies. They did three movies where  the mother  and daughter switched bodies and a movie where a girl and a boy switched bodies but they never done one where the father and son switched bodies. That would be interesting. Anyways I still think the Lindsey Lohan one is better. This one would be my second favorite. Can you guess what would be my third favorite? Yep, surprise the musical one that came out last year. 

I'll do reviews for the two other versions later. I just  want to correct everyone by telling them   that this is the  original  not  the Lindsey Lohan one. 

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