Marvels Studios' Thor: Ragnarok 2017

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This is from the ending of the movie when Thor awakens his power. His sister Hela is the villein and she's Odin's first born and to her she is the rightful heir of the throne. I thought it was creepy that she cut Thor's eye off. Thor then saw his father and his father told him that Asgard is anywhere the people is. This gave him strength and he fought his sister. He went down and there's that rock and roll type of music that is playing. You see this epic battle between Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and the Hulk. 

I first saw this on Netflix and I really liked it. I love Thor. He's one of my favorite Marvel characters. Now Thor isn't a superhero, I wouldn't say he is a Warrior, or a vegeranty.  He's a god from Norse Mythology. I'm interested in mythology. Mostly Greek and Roman mythologies and that's what I have my believe system build on. But I am also interested in other mythologies like Norse mythology. I did take a class on History of Ancient Greece and History of Rome but if there was a class on Norse Mythology I would have loved to take that. I had also taking a class on Native American Literature and learned about different Native American mythologies too. 

I first took an interest in Norse Mythology when I took that ancestry DNA test and it says I am 8% Scandinavian. Because of that I tried to watch some videos on the Norse Gods so I can learn more about my own mythology. Now I am not sure if I am part Scandinavian because I also took the 23 and me DNA test and it says 0% so that's confusing. But even though I'm not I still have an interest in learning more about Norse mythology since I did learned some and I want to learn more. 

When I first saw this movie I was surprise to see Hulk there and Doctor Strange. Now I have never seen any Hulk movies. Maybe I will if there are any on Disney+. They probably are. But I also thought of Hulk the same how I used to think of Star Wars that it's stupid. I never get the Hulk but I did liked him in the Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame. I also liked him in Thor: Ragnarok so I don't know. As far as Doctor Strange, I don't care for him. I actually did watch his movie too on Netflix but I couldn't get into it. Maybe I might watch it again to do a review for it and see if my opinion about it changed. 

One thing I really liked about the movie is that Jeff Goldblum is in it. I know him originally as one of Rachel's dads in Glee. Now that I have been watching his show "The World according to Jeff Goldblum" I now know his name and I love him. I really love Thor's brother Loki the trickster god and that he ended up being good in the end. I thought he was hot. I really love this movie and I can't wait to see other Thor movies. 

I feel that Hel the goddess of death is like the Greeks Hades the god of the underworld. They are both misunderstood. Because Hades rule the underworld then he must be evil like how they make him out to be in Disney's Hercules. Hel is the goddess of Death and to most of us Death is evil. No one wants to die but at the same time death is a necessary thing because without death we can not truly live. We need to know there is an end so there will be something worth living because no one wants to live forever either. This is why my favorite god in Greek mythology from the big three is Hades and my favorite goddess in Norse Mythology is Hel. I believe that both life and death are beautiful. It;c the cycle of life. One can not exist without the other. 

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