Star Wars Rebels 2014-2017 (Disney XD) + Shorts 2014

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Star Wars Rebels was on Disney Channel and then went onto Disney XD. At the time I didn't care about Star Wars. Disney Channel would have on Saturday night Disney XD shows such as this show, Star Vs. the forces of evil, Gravity Falls, and I believe Kicking it and Lab Rats were included in this too. Star Wars Rebels would be on at 10:00 at night so when they are on I would shut off the TV and go to sleep an hour early. The usual time I go to bed is at 11. Now that I have gotten Disney+ I been trying to watch the Star Wars movies and shows in chronological order so the whole universe will make sense to me. Like I mention before with the first three movies I have seen episode 3 was the best one. With the shows the clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels I think Star Wars Rebels is the best one. From the first episode I got into it way as in The Clone Wars it took me a whole season to get into it. One thing that grab my attention is that Ezra reminded me of Aladdin. He was a street orphan and he would steal food to get by. He met the Rebels and he convinced them to let him join. It took a while for some of them to get used to him. Kanan took Ezra in as his student and teach him in the ways of the Jedi after finding out he can use the force. Ahsoka (One of my favorite characters from the Clone Wars) finally came to the Rebels at the end of season 1 and was in a few episodes in season 2. We saw the Sith Maul trying to get Ezra to join the dark side so I wasn't sure if his fate was going to be the same as Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka had figured out that her master and Darth Vader are one and the same and I thought that was heart breaking. At the end of the series after when Kanan sacrificed himself for his friends, Rebel went into the world between worlds and saved Ahsoka from the killing blow by Darth Vader and she taught him one last lesson. In letting go of the past. He wanted to save Kanan but then didn't and let him go. After when Ahsoka went back to her own time and he went back they closed the portal. The last episode was epic and it was very emotional. He had a chance to bring back his parents but then realized that he has to let go of them too. I'm so happy he didn't go down that same path as Anakin Skywalker.  It was sad about Ezra but he sacrificed himself to save his friends just like Kanan did. When he died although it felt like maybe there is a chance he will be back Sabine did the epilogue. It was a happy ending for everyone. She mention Hera fought in a battle and about her son who we can speculate that his father was Kennon which really got me to cry. Then we saw Sabine looking at the image of Ezra and their friends. She talked about how she thought that Ezra was counting on her to protect his home world but then realized there is more to it then that. She turned around and it was Ahsoka. She's now old. Then as Sabine put on her hermit she said "Ezra is out there somewhere and it's time to bring him home." Makes me wonder if maybe they will all show up again later in Star Wars. Although I do know that they were not in the original trilogy which episode 4 is next. I'm hoping that maybe at least Sabine would show up in that new Disney+ show the Mandalorian because she is a Mandalorian. That would be cool. I would have to continue to watch and see. I really loved this show and I thought that it ended very satisfying. 

Now if only other shows could take a page from Star Wars on how to end a show. I'm looking at you Star Vs. the Forces of Evil. 

May the force be with you on your journey through Star Wars

I had also watch the shorts for Star Wars Rebels. There are only 4 minutes long and there is only 4 episodes so they are easy to watch with each episode on a person from the team. They were fun to watch and I figured I would watch it since they won't that long. 

The funny thing about the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels is that the Clone Wars had 6 seasons while Star Wars Rebels only has 4 seasons. I wasn't surprise though because Star Wars Rebels was on Disney Channel and Disney XD and they only do 4 seasons maximum. But even though they were only able to have 4 seasons I thought this was pretty well done. Obviously they know how to tell a story and not rush things. They had also decided not to put Ezra and Sabine together to show that they can still have a connection without being together. Also I really liked the episode where they realized that no one won in the Clone Wars. In fact when everyone was too weak to continue fighting that was when the empire came in.  

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