Aladdin 2019 (Disney) International Women Day

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This is the prince Ali song. I thought it was better then the animated one. It's more bigger but I didn't like that awkward moment when they are holding onto the note waiting for the Suten to tap his hand. I thought that was awkward but other then that I thought it was good. 

My favorite Disney princess movie of all time is Aladdin. I love that street rat and Princess Jasmine is my favorite Princess. My name is Jasmine so that is part of the reason why but I really do love the movie. So you can imagine me getting excited when I found out they were having a life action Aladdin. Naomi Scott who was in Lemonade mouth played Jasmine. I went to see it with Josh back in June. It was our first date during the long distance relationship. 

We were trying to find a good day for him to come out to see me for us to go see that movie but because of work and he was hanging out with his friends we had to keep postponing it. Finally he decided on a Wednesday that he will drive to see me right from work which really made me feel special knowing that he would try to put in effort in seeing me. Before we saw it together I did see it with my parents at the drive in. Of course I would see it again with Josh. When he got here we went to Yoway and I treated him to Frozen Yogurt. He then drive us to close to Institute park. I showed him a little of that park and we made out. Then I showed him the church I went to for Brownie girl scouts. We went to showcase cinema and gotten our tickets. We took our seat and watched the movie. It was a good time and so much fun. We sang during "A whole new world" together and we were really cute. Makes me sad thinking about it. 

Today was international Women day and I decided to watch this again on Disney+. I wasn't sure if I would because it makes me think of him and how much I still think of him as my Aladdin. I watched it anyways because come on. I can't let what is going on with us ruin my favorite movie. I think the life action is better then the animation one. I love that Aladdin and Jasmine met earlier and did One Jump ahead together. I love that Will Smith was the Genie and he started the movie with a story to his kids. I thought that was better then the original way they started the movie. I love Jasmine's new song "Speechless." It really made her be more strong. The thing I didn't like about this one was Iago. I didn't care for Iago in this one because he was just an annoying pariet. He didn't have any personality like he did in the original. 

I think I'm going to watch the animated Aladdin movies now for Women History month. I choose this movie for International Women day because Princess Jasmine is a strong woman from the middle East. This version of Jasmine we should all be. She wants more then just to marry for love. She wants to rule her own kingdom and don't need a prince to rule it for her. We should all be like her. I should be more like her. Like with Birds of Pray I saw with Arturo. I should be more like Harley Quinn. She learned she don't need Joker and that she can be independent. She's also a bad ass like this version of Jasmine and I want to be like that. It's sad that me and Josh's long distance relationship didn't work out. I thought he would because of what kind of a couple we were but sometimes you can never know. I still love Aladdin and would watch this over and over again. 

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