Chapter Sixty-One: No

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That is how the tour stayed for a while. No one spoke of me singing, Alex and Ryleigh didn't bother me about it. Well, Ryleigh did a few times which everyone thought she was crazy when it was brought up. I had been caught though a few times trying to skip out on taking my treatments, as I called them.

Currently sitting on the stage with a few pieces of sheet music I was reading through lyrics both Alex and Ryleigh had given me. I checked my watch and noticed it was almost time for me to go and have another treatment. I shut my eyes pretending Rian wouldn't come to get me knowing he took today to come to pick me up and force me to take them. I had recently started fighting them holding my breath until I almost passed out. It was sort of dumb though because Ryleigh would come in and tickle me or try and talk to me. Which it was like she forgot I hardly talked anyway and it wasn't like I was very loud ever. Beckett forgot to wake up once and it was kind of scary. It wasn't like having withdraws but I felt the same way like I couldn't breathe but I wasn't shaky so it was a trade-off in my opinion. Alex yelled and was so livid at Beckett as Kolbi took a nap that day in the dressing room. Ryleigh had gotten good at doing her hair as she wiggled around and I sat in a chair trying not to shake. It was such a struggle though eventually I just had to give in to the involuntary shaking.

I stood up from where I was sitting at the edge of the stage and held the sheet music in my hands. Alex's handwriting was so sloppy compared to Ryleigh's. I held the songs in my hands making little adjustments to where I thought it would sound weird or what notes I would hold. I then began to play some classical instrumental music and was rocking out with my headphones in. I danced around the stage like I was alone until I felt someone put their arms around my waist. I knew who it was as soon as I saw his fingers.

"What are you listening to?" He asked and his eyes sparkled with glints of hope.

I handed him one of my wireless earbuds letting him put it in his ear. I looked at him as he nodded his head. I went over to my Mac that was sitting on the piano currently and began to play some different music. AKA more Beckett like music.

"You know why I came to get you right?" He asked in my free ear.

I nodded my head and then threw myself on the stage laying there in an x position as Ry called it. Alex laid like this sometimes starring up at all the lights and ceiling. Alex was weird though not that he didn't already know this. Beckett sighed before walking over to me to help me up. I refused and went limp so that made it just worse on Beckett. Even though I was small and according to everyone else fairly light. Beckett couldn't figure out how to pick me up. Beckett then called Rian who I knew was going to come and yell at me. It was one of the most unexpected things I have learned about Rian is that he yells. He is usually always the calm and collected one but he yells. All of the guys yell they are guys but Rian I think more so than I expected.

I was a little shocked though when it was Zack who came and picked me up. I beat on his back with my fist as he just laughed. I was sat in a shitty ass wood chair that was so uncomfortable. I looked at Rian who came in looking at me annoyed as Zack grabbed the mask and medicine. He put the medicine into the cup part of the mask before slipping it on over my head.

"What the hell is this Logan? This isn't a game we have been over this!" Rian said at me as I just stared at him refusing to breathe in.

Rian was getting really irate. Which was a little abnormal? He just walked out slamming the wood door causing Zack to look at me scared.

"You like pissing people off don't you?"

I looked down at my shoes before slipping the mask off my face. I rubbed my hands over my face. The tears violently brunt at the corners of my eyes. I needed something. Zack fought me trying to get the mask back on me cornering me.

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