Katsuki Bakugo

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𝒫 𝑅 𝒪 𝐵 𝒜 𝐵 𝐿 𝒴    𝑀 𝒪 𝑅 𝐸   ,   𝒩 𝒪   𝐿 𝐸 𝒮 𝒮

["Holy fucking shit! Did you see that?!"
"Im blind, numbnuts."]


Quirk: Echolocation: When activated, you see a pale blue outline around everything. Being blind, when activated, it has the same effect. (Everything is black except for the blue outlines.) You also get an overhead map of everything visible on that same altitude. Cant use it for more than a day without at least an hour or two of rest.


"Hey! Leave him alone!" You yelled, walking over to where chaotic noise had arose from the playground.

"Eh?!" A harsh voice responded, though it didn't delay you from helping the curly haired boy up, thanks to the fact he was in tears and sniffles sounded through the air, and the vibrations the other kids footsteps caused in the ground they began backing up from him as you approached.

'Who the hell do you think you--" the kid begins. You turn around, grey eyes focused on the nothingness they could see, a sharp blue tint filling into them like water, proving to the two lackies your quirk was activated. Your eyebrows furrowed in utter annoyance as  you helped the sniffling boy up, his hands shaking as you stood up.

You wrapped his arm around your shoulder, allowing your hand to gravitate to his waist, propping him up as we turned to leave.

The two behind the Ash Blonde backed up at the sight of your quirk, but the boy just glared at you, his vivid red eyes locked onto your now grey-blue ones.

"You wanna know who I am? Im (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). Probably more, No less."

Unknown to the (H/C) female, a faint pink painted the ash blondes face as he watched her walk away, and for once, ignoring the burning hatred he felt when he saw Deku, as the fluttering feeling he felt when he saw you in his stomach overfilled that sharp feeling of hatred.

After  their first encounter, you had quickly became someone Katsuki  admired, and one he frequently would catch himself staring at, or randomly writing your name down in his notes. You had been friends with Deku since that day, and always hung out with him during any opportunity, which not only pissed Katsuki off more, but made him feel like you were untouchable, as nothing was able to bother you, including the sharp glares and small explosions that popped from Katsuki's hands in anger at the sight of you with Deku.

You eventually informed your class you would not be joining them in Middle School, and instead would be moving to one closer to your house, Mustafa Private Middle School. Katsuki felt his stomach drop at your words, but shook the feeling away.

"Good! Now I can focus on something other than her and that stupid face of hers." He growled the day of the announcement as he walked home, kicking stones in his wake. Katsuki forced himself that with you gone, his life would be better, but boy, was he wrong.


"Hey Kiri!" I shouted, running down the hall to meet my friends, my eyes glowing blue as I located their faces. "Hey (Y/N)-San!" Kiri chuckles as I catch up, his toothy grin gleaming like glass in the sun. Painfully bright, even for being blind.

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