Mina Ashido

80 7 24

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["Isn't this... you know... Super illegal?"
"Oh absolutely."]


Quirk: Bone Claws

Users can manipulate the bones in their hands to form large claws that morph over their hand. Not only do they act as a defense, but they are incredibly offensive. Especially when the bones have enough time to form needle-like points on the claws.


"Hey (Y/N)!" Ashido called from the backyard, her voice sounding as if she was grinning like a madman.

"Yes, Ashido?" I called, scrubbing a plate. A few sounds escaped the other room as Ashido skidded into our shared kitchen, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I need to show you something!" She giggled, hopping away and back into the other room energetically. "Come on, Come on!" 

I sighed, stepping away from my chores with a giggle. "Ashido, who gave you catnip? You're drunk, go home."

"I'm perfectly sober, thank you very much!" She grabs my wrist and drags me into the backyard. In the center of the bright green grass laid an open box stuffed to the brim in explosives and fireworks of all sorts varying from firecrackers to full-on firework missiles.

"Holy fuck, when did Bakugo die?" She shot me a grin.

"Jirou brought them over after Denki almost set their house on fire." Mina giggles. "Midoriya and Todoroki didn't want them either."

I looked from the fireworks to her before laughing. "Ashido, I think its time for a Bakusquad reunion."


"Denki! Jirou! Hey!" Ashido ran up to them and enveloped the couple in a hug. "It's been too long!" She screams, jumping up and down before realizing Sero had arrived too, Kirishima and Bakugo in tow. 

"Oi, why the fuck are we here, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo hisses. Kirishima just grins and attempts to calm him down, explaining everything about the fireworks.

"Hey Bakugo, Kirishima. How have you two been?" I ask, running up to them and wrapping my arms around both of them. 

"Pretty good! Red Riot and Ground Zero; The perfect team!" Kirishima grins, interlocking his hands with Bakugo's. He merely grunts, turning away from us slightly. Kirishima shoots me a look. "How about Alien Queen and Carpal, hm?"

I grinned, glancing at my significant other as she brought out the box of fireworks. Bakugo's interest immediately peaked at the explosives, seemingly interested in... blowing stuff up... "We're doing amazing. I really don't know what I did to deserve her."

(Same feeling we have for you, Paige. You know who you are <3)

Kirishima smiled, watching Bakugo stare at the box of explosives in Ashido's hands as she rummaged through it and grabbed out a few tiny fireworks. She set them down on the grass before pushing them away to make room for the larger one, grinning. "Hey, Bakugo! This one has your name on it!" She yells, waving the highly explosive object in the air.

I laughed, walking towards her with Kirishima and Bakugo right on my tail. I kneeled next to her, wrapping my arms around her and staring down into the box, our eyes immediately connecting on the same object. We turned to each other and grinned before throwing the other fireworks back into the box and standing up and brushing off our hands.

"Now, Who wants lunch?"


After we finished cooking and eating the fantastic dinner we (Meaning Bakugo and me) cooked, we all strode outside into the dimming evening. Ashido and I immediately slid onto the cold grass, wrapping our arms around each other as the colors in the sky morphed and darkened, clouds becoming one with the clear night sky. I smiled softly, watching the stars poke out of the black ocean above us. I cuddled myself closer to the once hyper female, her energy obviously diminished as she gladly accepted the free warmth and love, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

"Oi, Say its about time. I wanna blow shit up." Ashido and I looked at each other and smiled, both jumping up, one running to grab the box while the other readied the matches.

Ashido emerged from the house, sliding onto the grass with the explosive box. She opened it quickly, throwing a pair of fireworks at each couple and Sero. I kneeled beside her and looked at the remaining firework before I closed the box.

"Ready, Set--" I began, before a loud explosion rang through the yard, Bakugo's firework shooting off into the sky and painting the sky in bright orange. Kirishima's ignited mere seconds later, crashing into the now color-filled sky. Sero lit his, which now morphed in with the falling embers of the previous fireworks.

"Go!" Ashido pressed a kiss to my cheek and lit her firework, the bright pink of the explosive matching my cheeks, per usual when she kissed me. I smirked and lit my firework, though pressed a kiss to her lips as it exploded and once again ignited the once murky black sky with a bright pastel blue.

Ashido looked at me and grinned before dropping into the grass and rolling to the box. She grabbed the last thing inside, an audible gasp escaping Sero. The thing in Ashido's hands was a huge firework and strapped to it were several smaller fireworks. Needless to say, it looked like something that someone would use to commit arson.

"Well?" She grins, the few lights still in the air from Denki and Jirou's fireworks causing an eerie light to surround her. "Lets set this shit ablaze."


Word Count: 918

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