Bakugo Katsuki

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⚠️As requested, this is a part two continuing and completing the Shinso X Reader.
 I hope you enjoy. ⚠️


Stepping into Class 1A was a totally new experience as I watched Katsuki pack his stuff up and push past the groups of students who stood laughing and chattering in their little groups. He grunted as we walked out the door and into a sea of hurried students as they began their venture home.

Speeding into the traffic, Katsuki slung his bag over his arm and glanced at me before his hands crackled with explosions, causing a lot of the people around him to immediately retreat in fear.  

I grinned and strode in beside him as we stepped out of the large building. Fortunately, Katsuki and I walked the most of the way home, up until about the last block. As we exited the gates, we turned the bend and I stopped right before I crashed into someone. I looked up, ready to apologize before I realized who stood before me.

"Copy Kitten," Shinso said, smiling slightly. "You've been avoiding me, babe. Why don't we walk home together?" His hands interlock with my own. I backed up, shaking his grip out of mine. He merely moved forward again, wrapping an arm around my waist.

Before I could react to it, Shinso was launched away from me. A different pair of arms wrapped around me, pressing me into his chest. "Touch her again and I'll skin you alive." Katsuki's voice growled, explosions popping from his free hand. 

Shinso looked at him, a bored expression plastered on his face to hide the obvious fear that sparked in his eyes. Trying to look confident, he glared him up and down before resting a hand on his hip. "And who do you think you are? Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's my girlfriend." He took a mere step towards me, and I immediately felt Bakugo tense, smoke rising from his palms. "Isn't that right, (Y/N)?"


Everyone looked at me as if I had grown a tail, the act completely unlike the usual bubbly, bouncing girl. "I stopped being yours the second you denied me the same love I had for you." I stepped back, pushing past the purple-haired male. "Goodbye, Shinso." I strode away, racing down the street and around the corner as tears began to well up in my eyes.


Shinso stood there, his hand resting over his reddening cheek. As if it wasn't enough, a fist slammed into his nose, sending him tumbling back against his friends who watched on in horror. Monoma growled, shaking his fist. His eyes were shaded by a tuft of hair that hung over them, almost giving the impression that his blue-grey eyes were glowing. "You get anywhere near my sister again and Bakugo won't be the only one you have to worry about, do you hear me?!" He yells. Shinso stood up, snarling.

He lets out a tch before turning around. "Yeah, sure. Whatever--" He stops mid-sentence, a smirk growing on Monoma's face.

"Turn around," Monoma commands. Shinso does just that, earning a snort from Bakugo. "Bow down before us and beg for our forgiveness." Before the mind-controlled Shinso could do much more, his friends gripped his shoulders and shook him vigorously, seemingly knowing how is quirk worked.

He was quickly knocked out of the trance he had previously been locked in, his eyes glaring up into Monoma's and Bakugo's. Monoma turns to Bakugo, nudging him and nodding towards the direction in which you had run. He nods, Once again having to resist the urge to kick the shit out of Shinso as he chased after you.


I slowed down quickly as a few tears slid down my cheeks. I just shook them away, my fists clenching. "Why do you have to be so emotional, (Y/N)? Why can't you just forget him and move on?" I mentally cursed my heart for hurting so much over a piece of trash, but it couldn't be helped. He had been your best friend since... well, forever.

When the two of you had decided to date, it had meant everything to you, and at the beginning, you were sure he felt the same. But eventually, he stopped paying and spending as much time with you as he had, seemingly ignoring you. You had noted the multiple girls he seemed to hang around when you were supposedly not around. You knew he talked about you behind your back, but you had never assumed it was something like this.

More tears slid down your cheeks as a hand grabbed onto your arm roughly, pulling you back into their chest. You flinched, feeling the arms wrap around you and string you along the same route Katsuki took. Looking up, your eyes widened when you realized it was Katsuki who was leading you towards his house. You had expected him to continue walking the split the two of you took, but he merely continued the same way he would have walked. "K-Katsuki?" You sniffled, weakly wiping the tears from your eyes.

He glanced over at you, humming. "What do you want?" He growls, eyes flickering back to scan the houses.

"Why are you..?" You didn't have time to say much more before you were yanked towards his house, nearly tripping over the steps. Katsuki mumbled something along the lines of a sorry, though it sounded more like a curse.

He opened the door, surprising you that it was unlocked. He pulled you inside, closing the door softly behind us. You squeaked as he lifted you off your feet and over his shoulder. He walked up to his room, ignoring the annoyed calls from who I had to assume was his mother. The second we entered the room, my nose was hit with an intense, sweet smell. Caramel. He sat me down on the bed before he himself slid down the side, sitting on the ground. He ran his hands through his hair in a seemingly nervous manner, glancing at my face to wait for a reaction.

"Katsuki, what are we doing here?" You looked at him, your face slowly but surely heating up.

"I don't fucking know! I saw you crying and my immediate instinct was to cheer you up, dumbass." He growled, eyes flickering closed. "All I fucking know is that being questioned by your parent's on tears isn't exactly the best fucking coping mechanism."

You felt your heart thump in your chest over the fact he actually cared. You laughed, running a hand through your own hair. You laid down on your stomach, resting your head in the coverage of your arms. "Thank you Katsuki." You shone a closed eye smile.

Katsuki almost swore his heart would explode. The way you looked at him just made it go crazy already, but this was too much. He looked away, face burning. "Y-Yeah, what the fuck ever." He growled, covering his face with his hand. "It's no big deal, shithead..."

"I mean it, Katsuki." You yawned. "Thank you for caring..."

Katsuki takes a second to glance at you. "Don't f-fucking look at me like that! I didn't do it for you." He glares, hand still hovering over his face. 

You raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then who did you do it for?" You tilted your head ever so slightly, moving hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. "Yourself?"

He snarls slightly, not like it was visible, though. "Of course I fucking did. Who else would I do it for?"

"Me." You let out another yawn, though still smiling. "Because you love me." Although the words were meant as a joke, saying them to Katsuki of all people made your heart thump more than usual, especially when around him.

"Yeah, nice try." He snarls, though his own heart was still beating like a drum in his chest and ears, and he was almost sure you could hear it. He was also sure the heat in his face was visible. He was about to say more before he realized your eyes had fluttered shut, soft snores being the only sound you made. The tiniest smile on his face as he rested his head beside yours, falling asleep himself.

A few minutes later, you snapped away from the unconsciousness that had stolen you away, a small smile on your face at the finally calm, neutral look on Katsuki's face. "You know what, (Y/N)? Maybe you have moved on." You brushed a few strands of Katsuki's fluffy, ash-blonde hair from his face and kissed his cheek before falling back into the empty sleep you previously inhabited.


Word Count: 1433

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